The potential of unmanned aerial systems for sea turtle research and conservation: a review and future directions
The use of satellite systems and manned aircraft surveys for remote data collection has been
shown to be transformative for sea turtle conservation and research by enabling the …
shown to be transformative for sea turtle conservation and research by enabling the …
Mitigating the effects of climate change on the nests of sea turtles with artificial irrigation
For sea turtles, like many oviparous species, increasing temperatures during development
threaten to increase embryonic mortality, alter offspring quality, and potentially create …
threaten to increase embryonic mortality, alter offspring quality, and potentially create …
11 Sea Turtle Population
SS Heppell, ML Snover… - The Biology of Sea Turtles …, 2002 - books.google.com
Sea turtle population demographics reflect the effects of natural and anthropogenic stressors
that include environmental variability, terrestrial habitat loss, terrestrial and aquatic habitat …
that include environmental variability, terrestrial habitat loss, terrestrial and aquatic habitat …
Physiological ecology in the 21st century: advancements in biologging science
BA Block - Integrative and Comparative Biology, 2005 - academic.oup.com
Top pelagic predators such as tunas, sharks, marine turtles and mammals have historically
been difficult to study due to their large body size and vast range over the oceanic habitat. In …
been difficult to study due to their large body size and vast range over the oceanic habitat. In …
The effect of the El Niño Southern Oscillation on the reproductive frequency of eastern Pacific leatherback turtles
Summary 1 Pacific leatherback turtle Dermochelys coriacea populations have been
declining precipitously. It has been suggested that fishery‐associated mortality is the leading …
declining precipitously. It has been suggested that fishery‐associated mortality is the leading …
Conservation and biology of the leatherback turtle in the Mexican Pacific
LS Martínez, AR Barragán… - Chelonian …, 2007 - meridian.allenpress.com
Proyecto Laúd coordinates the conservation activities for the leatherback turtle on 4 index
beaches of the Mexican Pacific, combining efforts of different government and …
beaches of the Mexican Pacific, combining efforts of different government and …
Climate driven egg and hatchling mortality threatens survival of Eastern Pacific leatherback turtles
Egg-burying reptiles need relatively stable temperature and humidity in the substrate
surrounding their eggs for successful development and hatchling emergence. Here we show …
surrounding their eggs for successful development and hatchling emergence. Here we show …
Field lethal incubation temperature of olive ridley sea turtle Lepidochelys olivacea embryos at a mass nesting rookery
RA Valverde, S Wingard, F Gómez, MT Tordoir… - Endangered Species …, 2010 - int-res.com
Hatching success in olive ridley mass nesting arribada beaches is typically low. We
conducted a short study to understand whether incubation temperature in dry months …
conducted a short study to understand whether incubation temperature in dry months …
Nest-site selection influences offspring sex ratio in green turtles, a species with temperature-dependent sex determination
L Heredero Saura, L Jáñez-Escalada, J López Navas… - Climatic Change, 2022 - Springer
Climate change threatens species with temperature-dependent sex determination as further
warming could result in extremely biased sex ratios or offspring of only one sex. Among the …
warming could result in extremely biased sex ratios or offspring of only one sex. Among the …
Long‐term decline of the western Pacific leatherback, Dermochelys coriacea: a globally important sea turtle population
RF Tapilatu, PH Dutton, M Tiwari, T Wibbels… - …, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
The leatherbacks nesting at Bird's Head Peninsula, Papua Barat, Indonesia, account for
75% of the total leatherback nesting in the western Pacific and represent the last sizeable …
75% of the total leatherback nesting in the western Pacific and represent the last sizeable …