Petabit-scale silicon photonic interconnects with integrated kerr frequency combs
Silicon photonics holds significant promise in revolutionizing optical interconnects in data
centers and high performance computers to enable scaling into the Pb/s package escape …
centers and high performance computers to enable scaling into the Pb/s package escape …
Peta-scale embedded photonics architecture for distributed deep learning applications
As Deep Learning (DL) models grow larger and more complex, training jobs are
increasingly distributed across multiple Computing Units (CU) such as GPUs and TPUs …
increasingly distributed across multiple Computing Units (CU) such as GPUs and TPUs …
Integrated Kerr frequency comb-driven silicon photonic transmitter
The exponential growth of computing needs for artificial intelligence and machine learning
has had a dramatic impact on data centre energy consumption, which has risen to …
has had a dramatic impact on data centre energy consumption, which has risen to …
Mitigation of parasitic junction formation in compact resonant modulators with doped silicon heaters
While the high index contrast between silicon and silicon dioxide in the silicon-on-insulator
photonics platform permits unprecedented device density, it also leads to high sensitivity to …
photonics platform permits unprecedented device density, it also leads to high sensitivity to …
Concurrent error-free modulation of adjacent kerr comb lines on a silicon chip
Concurrent Error-Free Modulation of Adjacent Kerr Comb Lines on a Silicon Chip Page 1
Concurrent Error-Free Modulation of Adjacent Kerr Comb Lines on a Silicon Chip Vignesh …
Concurrent Error-Free Modulation of Adjacent Kerr Comb Lines on a Silicon Chip Vignesh …
Integrated Kerr Comb Link with Multi-Channel DWDM Silicon Photonic Receiver
Integrated Kerr Comb Link with Multi-Channel DWDM Silicon Photonic Receiver Page 1
Integrated Kerr Comb Link with Multi-Channel DWDM Silicon Photonic Receiver Stuart …
Integrated Kerr Comb Link with Multi-Channel DWDM Silicon Photonic Receiver Stuart …