Petabit-scale silicon photonic interconnects with integrated kerr frequency combs

A Rizzo, S Daudlin, A Novick, A James… - IEEE Journal of …, 2022 -
Silicon photonics holds significant promise in revolutionizing optical interconnects in data
centers and high performance computers to enable scaling into the Pb/s package escape …

Peta-scale embedded photonics architecture for distributed deep learning applications

Z Wu, LY Dai, A Novick, M Glick, Z Zhu… - Journal of Lightwave …, 2023 -
As Deep Learning (DL) models grow larger and more complex, training jobs are
increasingly distributed across multiple Computing Units (CU) such as GPUs and TPUs …

Integrated Kerr frequency comb-driven silicon photonic transmitter

A Rizzo, A Novick, V Gopal, BY Kim, X Ji… - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2021 -
The exponential growth of computing needs for artificial intelligence and machine learning
has had a dramatic impact on data centre energy consumption, which has risen to …

Mitigation of parasitic junction formation in compact resonant modulators with doped silicon heaters

V Murthy, A Rizzo, G Leake, N Mehta… - … , and Beam Control …, 2022 -
While the high index contrast between silicon and silicon dioxide in the silicon-on-insulator
photonics platform permits unprecedented device density, it also leads to high sensitivity to …

Concurrent error-free modulation of adjacent kerr comb lines on a silicon chip

V Gopal, A Novick, A Rizzo, R Parsons… - CLEO: Science and …, 2022 -
Concurrent Error-Free Modulation of Adjacent Kerr Comb Lines on a Silicon Chip Page 1
Concurrent Error-Free Modulation of Adjacent Kerr Comb Lines on a Silicon Chip Vignesh …

Integrated Kerr Comb Link with Multi-Channel DWDM Silicon Photonic Receiver

S Daudlin, A Novick, M Hattink, V Gopal… - CLEO: Science and …, 2022 -
Integrated Kerr Comb Link with Multi-Channel DWDM Silicon Photonic Receiver Page 1
Integrated Kerr Comb Link with Multi-Channel DWDM Silicon Photonic Receiver Stuart …