Social interactions for autonomous driving: A review and perspectives

W Wang, L Wang, C Zhang, C Liu… - Foundations and Trends …, 2022 -
No human drives a car in a vacuum; she/he must negotiate with other road users to achieve
their goals in social traffic scenes. A rational human driver can interact with other road users …

Artificial intelligence for safety-critical systems in industrial and transportation domains: A survey

J Perez-Cerrolaza, J Abella, M Borg, C Donzella… - ACM Computing …, 2024 -
Artificial Intelligence (AI) can enable the development of next-generation autonomous safety-
critical systems in which Machine Learning (ML) algorithms learn optimized and safe …

A survey on safety-critical driving scenario generation—a methodological perspective

W Ding, C Xu, M Arief, H Lin, B Li… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2023 -
Autonomous driving systems have witnessed significant development during the past years
thanks to the advance in machine learning-enabled sensing and decision-making …

Survey on scenario-based safety assessment of automated vehicles

S Riedmaier, T Ponn, D Ludwig, B Schick… - IEEE …, 2020 -
When will automated vehicles come onto the market? This question has puzzled the
automotive industry and society for years. The technology and its implementation have …

Verification and validation methods for decision-making and planning of automated vehicles: A review

Y Ma, C Sun, J Chen, D Cao… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2022 -
Verification and validation (V&V) hold a significant position in the research and development
of automated vehicles (AVs). Current literature indicates that different V&V techniques have …

Cooperative control of heterogeneous connected vehicle platoons: An adaptive leader-following approach

J Hu, P Bhowmick, F Arvin, A Lanzon… - IEEE Robotics and …, 2020 -
Automatic cruise control of a platoon of multiple connected vehicles in an automated
highway system has drawn significant attention of the control practitioners over the past two …

A survey on an emerging safety challenge for autonomous vehicles: Safety of the intended functionality

H Wang, W Shao, C Sun, K Yang, D Cao, J Li - Engineering, 2024 - Elsevier
As the complexity of autonomous vehicles (AVs) continues to increase and artificial
intelligence algorithms are becoming increasingly ubiquitous, a novel safety concern known …

GeoScenario: An open DSL for autonomous driving scenario representation

R Queiroz, T Berger, K Czarnecki - 2019 IEEE Intelligent …, 2019 -
Automated Driving Systems (ADS) require extensive evaluation to assure acceptable levels
of safety before they can operate in real-world traffic. Although many tools are available to …

A framework for definition of logical scenarios for safety assurance of automated driving

H Weber, J Bock, J Klimke, C Roesener… - Traffic injury …, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
Objective: In order to introduce automated vehicles on public roads, it is necessary to ensure
that these vehicles are safe to operate in traffic. One challenge is to prove that all physically …

Adaptive decision-making for automated vehicles under roundabout scenarios using optimization embedded reinforcement learning

Y Zhang, B Gao, L Guo, H Guo… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2020 -
The roundabout is a typical changeable, interactive scenario in which automated vehicles
should make adaptive and safe decisions. In this article, an optimization embedded …