Dependability modeling and analysis of software systems specified with UML

S Bernardi, J Merseguer, DC Petriu - ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 2012 -
The goal is to survey dependability modeling and analysis of software and systems specified
with UML, with focus on reliability, availability, maintainability, and safety (RAMS). From the …

Automatic train control system development and simulation for high-speed railways

H Dong, B Ning, B Cai, Z Hou - IEEE circuits and systems …, 2010 -
Research and development on high-speed railway systems and particularly its automatic
control systems, are introduced. Numerical modeling of high-speed trains in the Chinese …

A dependability profile within MARTE

S Bernardi, J Merseguer, DC Petriu - Software & Systems Modeling, 2011 - Springer
The importance of assessing software non-functional properties (NFP) beside the functional
ones is well accepted in the software engineering community. In particular, dependability is …

[หนังสือ][B] Model-driven dependability assessment of software systems

S Bernardi, J Merseguer, DC Petriu - 2013 - Springer
During the last two decades, a major challenge for the researchers working on modeling
and evaluation of computer-based systems has been the assessment of system Non …

Diversity strategies for nuclear power plant instrumentation and control systems

RT Wood, R Belles, MS Cetiner, DE Holcomb… - 2010 -
This report presents the technical basis for establishing acceptable mitigating strategies that
resolve diversity and defense-in-depth (D3) assessment findings and conform to US Nuclear …

Adding dependability analysis capabilities to the MARTE profile

S Bernardi, J Merseguer, DC Petriu - International Conference on Model …, 2008 - Springer
Dependability is a non-functional property that should be assessed early in the software
lifecycle. Although several UML profiles exist for quantitative annotations of non-functional …

Executable models to support automated software FMEA

V Bonfiglio, L Montecchi, F Rossi… - 2015 IEEE 16th …, 2015 -
Safety analysis is increasingly important for a wide class of systems. In the automotive field,
the recent ISO26262 standard foresees safety analysis to be performed at system, hardware …

Dependability analysis techniques

S Bernardi, J Merseguer, DC Petriu, S Bernardi… - … assessment of software …, 2013 - Springer
An overview of the techniques traditionally used in dependability analysis that are compliant
with current industrial standards (ie, the International Electrotechnical Commission …

Software faults emulation at model-level: Towards automated software fmea

V Bonfiglio, L Montecchi, I Irrera, F Rossi… - 2015 IEEE …, 2015 -
Safety is a fundamental property for a wide class of systems, which can be assessed through
safety analysis. Recent standards, as the ISO26262 for the automotive domain, recommend …

A UML profile for the development of IEC 61508 compliant embedded software

D Kuschnerus, F Bruns, A Bilgic, T Musch - Embedded real time …, 2012 -
In this paper we propose a UML profile that extends the Unified Modeling Language (UML)
to support the development of safety-critical embedded software in accordance with the …