Recent progress in organic solar cells based on non-fullerene acceptors: materials to devices
Organic solar cells (OSCs) were dominated by donor–acceptor blends based on polymer
donors and fullerene acceptors for nearly two decades. In the past, apprehensions about the …
donors and fullerene acceptors for nearly two decades. In the past, apprehensions about the …
Organic photodetectors for next‐generation wearable electronics
Next‐generation wearable electronics will need to be mechanically flexible and stretchable
such that they can be conformally attached onto the human body. Photodetectors that are …
such that they can be conformally attached onto the human body. Photodetectors that are …
1, 5-Diiodocycloctane: a cyclane solvent additive that can extend the exciton diffusion length in thick film organic solar cells
F Sun, X Zheng, T Hu, J Wu, M Wan, Y **-Qian/publication/326818544_Optical_Gaps_of_Organic_Solar_Cells_as_a_Reference_for_Comparing_Voltage_Losses/links/5bcf1bf7a6fdcc204a01d5ab/Optical-Gaps-of-Organic-Solar-Cells-as-a-Reference-for-Comparing-Voltage-Losses.pdf" data-clk="hl=ro&sa=T&oi=gga&ct=gga&cd=7&d=801586035159220974&ei=TfnFZ4izLLzPieoPp5HPuQo" data-clk-atid="7kKUgkDOHwsJ" target="_blank">[PDF] researchgate.net
Design rules for minimizing voltage losses in high-efficiency organic solar cells
The open-circuit voltage of organic solar cells is usually lower than the values achieved in
inorganic or perovskite photovoltaic devices with comparable bandgaps. Energy losses …
inorganic or perovskite photovoltaic devices with comparable bandgaps. Energy losses …
High efficiency perovskite quantum dot solar cells with charge separating heterostructure
Metal halide perovskite semiconductors possess outstanding characteristics for
optoelectronic applications including but not limited to photovoltaics. Low-dimensional and …
optoelectronic applications including but not limited to photovoltaics. Low-dimensional and …
Solution-processed two-dimensional materials for next-generation photovoltaics
In the ever-increasing energy demand scenario, the development of novel photovoltaic (PV)
technologies is considered to be one of the key solutions to fulfil the energy request. In this …
technologies is considered to be one of the key solutions to fulfil the energy request. In this …