Changing knowledge and attitudes towards HIV treatment-as-prevention and “undetectable= untransmittable”: a systematic review

J Bor, C Fischer, M Modi, B Richman, C Kinker… - AIDS and Behavior, 2021 - Springer
People on HIV treatment with undetectable virus cannot transmit HIV sexually
(Undetectable= Untransmittable, U= U). However, the science of treatment-as-prevention …

Prioritising pleasure and correcting misinformation in the era of U= U

SK Calabrese, KH Mayer, JL Marcus - The Lancet HIV, 2021 -
There is widespread unawareness and disbelief regarding the evidence-based conclusion
that people who have a sustained undetectable HIV viral load cannot sexually transmit HIV …

Prevalence estimates of HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and C among female sex workers (FSW) in Brazil, 2016

O da Costa Ferreira-Júnior, MDC Guimarães… - Medicine, 2018 -
Background: Female sex workers (FSW) bear a high burden of sexually transmitted
infections (STI). In this paper, we estimate the prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus …

Treatment Is More Than Prevention: Perceived Personal and Social Benefits of Undetectable = Untransmittable Messaging Among Sexual Minority Men Living with …

HJ Rendina, AJ Talan, J Cienfuegos-Szalay… - AIDS Patient Care …, 2020 -
Research suggests that the science of undetectable viral load (VL) status and HIV
transmission—conveyed with the slogan “Undetectable= Untransmittable” or “U= U”—has …

Growing acceptability of Undetectable= Untransmittable but widespread misunderstanding of transmission risk: findings from a very large sample of sexual minority …

HJ Rendina, J Cienfuegos-Szalay… - JAIDS Journal of …, 2020 -
Background: Several studies have demonstrated no linked HIV transmissions in
serodifferent sexual encounters where the partner with HIV has an undetectable viral load …

Factors associated with perceived accuracy of the Undetectable = Untransmittable slogan among men who have sex with men: Implications for messaging scale‐up …

HJ Rendina, JT Parsons - Journal of the International AIDS …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Introduction Recent research has shown high efficacy of HIV treatment for reducing the risk
of HIV transmission to sexual partners. As the efficacy of treatment as prevention (TasP) has …

A call to improve understanding of Undetectable equals Untransmittable (U= U) in Brazil: a web‐based survey

TS Torres, J Cox, LMS Marins… - Journal of the …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract Introduction Currently, the slogan “Undetectable= Untransmittable”(U= U), launched
to disseminate scientific evidence on how people living with HIV (PLHIV) on antiretroviral …

Combination HIV prevention strategies among Montreal gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men in the PrEP era: a latent class analysis

CM Doyle, M Maheu-Giroux, G Lambert, S Mishra… - AIDS and Behavior, 2021 - Springer
Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) became publicly available in Quebec for gay, bisexual and
other men who have sex with men (GBM) in 2013. We used baseline data from Engage, a …

Gay, bisexual, and queer men's confidence in the Undetectable equals Untransmittable HIV prevention message: longitudinal qualitative analysis of the sexual …

D Grace, E Daroya, M Gaspar, A Wells, M Hull… - Sexual …, 2023 - CSIRO Publishing
Background Our objective was to understand what gay, bisexual, and queer men (GBQM)
who had experience using pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) thought about the …

Awareness and perceived effectiveness of HIV treatment as prevention among men who have sex with men in New York City

K Siegel, É Meunier - AIDS and Behavior, 2019 - Springer
To assess perceptions of HIV treatment as prevention (TasP), we conducted an online
survey of MSM in New York City (n= 732) asking them to rate the effectiveness of different …