Utilization prospects of eggshell powder in sustainable construction material–A review
With the rapid growth of infrastructure development, the demand for construction materials
has also increased. Cement is one of the materials used widely around the world. Using …
has also increased. Cement is one of the materials used widely around the world. Using …
[HTML][HTML] Sustainable cement replacement using waste eggshells: A review on mechanical properties of eggshell concrete and strength prediction using artificial neural …
Abstract Though the European Commission classifies eggshell as a hazardous material,
using eggshell powder in place of cement can aid in waste reduction and contribute to …
using eggshell powder in place of cement can aid in waste reduction and contribute to …
Physico-mechanical, thermal insulation properties, and microstructure of geopolymer foam concrete containing sawdust ash and egg shell
Recently, energy conservation through building thermal insulation has gained significant
importance in solving sustainability-related issues. In this context, this study investigates the …
importance in solving sustainability-related issues. In this context, this study investigates the …
Characteristic evaluation of geopolymer based lateritic soil stabilization enriched with eggshell ash and rice husk ash for road construction: An experimental …
In line with sustainable development, the road sector has initiated the use of agro-wastes in
road construction to preserve natural resources, which have been commonly used in …
road construction to preserve natural resources, which have been commonly used in …
The engineering behind soil stabilization with additives: a state-of-the-art review
Soil stabilization using additives is considered as one of the sustainable alternative
techniques to deal with acute material shortages. Critically reviewing the contemporary …
techniques to deal with acute material shortages. Critically reviewing the contemporary …
Food waste eggshell valorization through development of new composites: A review
The total amount of annual eggshell waste is similar as the amount of plastics waste input in
the oceans every year. Hence, the management of this eggshell waste is a major challenge …
the oceans every year. Hence, the management of this eggshell waste is a major challenge …
[HTML][HTML] Effects of nano eggshell powder as a sustainable bio-filler on the physical, rheological, and microstructure properties of bitumen
Improving bitumen properties to withstand traffic loads and environmental conditions is
essential for prolonging pavement life. Given that nanomaterials stand as potential …
essential for prolonging pavement life. Given that nanomaterials stand as potential …
Technical and environmental performance of eggshell lime for soil stabilization
Searching for alternative materials to reduce the extraction of natural resources is key to a
more sustainable world and relevant to construction and infrastructure projects in which …
more sustainable world and relevant to construction and infrastructure projects in which …
Effects of elevated temperatures and cooling regimes on the waste andesite dust-based geopolymer mortars
In this study, the geopolymer mortar mixtures were manufactured by activating andesite
stone cutting waste dust with sodium silicate. The sodium silicate content in the mixtures was …
stone cutting waste dust with sodium silicate. The sodium silicate content in the mixtures was …
Investigation of the engineering properties of cementless stabilized earth blocks with alkali-activated eggshell and rice husk ash as a binder
Employing appropriate waste materials in place of cement is the possible practical solution
that addresses the issues of construction material scarcity and the environmental concerns …
that addresses the issues of construction material scarcity and the environmental concerns …