[KNIHA][B] Decapod crustacean phylogenetics
JW Martin, KA Crandall, DL Felder - 2016 - books.google.com
Reflecting the wide variety of ideas and hypotheses concerning decapod phylogeny, the
world's leading decapodologists assemble their knowledge in this volume for the sole …
world's leading decapodologists assemble their knowledge in this volume for the sole …
The evolution of mating systems in decapod crustaceans
A ASAKURA - Decapod crustacean phylogenetics, 2016 - taylorfrancis.com
The mating systems of decapod crustaceans are reviewed and classified according to
general patterns of lifestyles and male-female relations. The scheme employs criteria that …
general patterns of lifestyles and male-female relations. The scheme employs criteria that …
Mating behaviour, female receptivity and male–male competition in the intertidal crab Hemigrapsus sexdentatus (Brachyura: Grapsidae)
Female receptivity and male–male competition were studied in a laboratory population of
the New Zealand rock crab Hemigrapsus sexdentatus. Mating only occurred in the few days …
the New Zealand rock crab Hemigrapsus sexdentatus. Mating only occurred in the few days …
Comparative Analysis of the Mating Strategies in Grapsid Crabs with Special References to the Intertidal Crabs Cyclograpsus Lavauxi and Helice Crassa (Decapoda …
Field and laboratory observations were carried out on the reproductive behaviour of
Cyclograpsus lavauxi and Helice crassa, and the results were compared with other …
Cyclograpsus lavauxi and Helice crassa, and the results were compared with other …
Factors influencing the onset and duration of receptivity of female purple rock crabs, Hemigrapsus sexdentatus (H. Milne Edwards, 1837)(Brachyura: Grapsidae)
The effects of males, field, and laboratory conditions on the receptivity of females were
tested in the New Zealand purple rock crab Hemigrapsus sexdentatus. Onset and duration …
tested in the New Zealand purple rock crab Hemigrapsus sexdentatus. Onset and duration …
AM Brockerhoff - Journal of Parasitology, 2004 - meridian.allenpress.com
The parasite fauna of 4 intertidal grapsid crabs from New Zealand was studied between
1998 and 2000. The occurrence of an undescribed entoniscid species, Portunion …
1998 and 2000. The occurrence of an undescribed entoniscid species, Portunion …