Employment outcomes for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities: A literature review

HA Almalky - Children and Youth Services Review, 2020 - Elsevier
This review examined various studies regarding the employment outcomes for adults with
intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) within the United States. This review …

[PDF][PDF] StateData: The national report on employment services and outcomes

J Butterworth, AC Hall, F Smith, A Migliore, J Winsor… - 2011 - scholarworks.umb.edu
Policy shifts over the past 20 years have created an agenda for sustained commitment to
integrated employment for individuals with disabilities. But despite these clear intentions …

Choosing employment: Factors that impact employment decisions for individuals with intellectual disability

JC Timmons, AC Hall, J Bose… - Intellectual and …, 2011 - meridian.allenpress.com
Little is known about the factors that shape the employment-related decisions of individuals
with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities. Findings from qualitative interviews with …

The value of competitive employment: In‐depth accounts of people with intellectual disabilities

MAC Voermans, EF Taminiau… - Journal of Applied …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Background Increasing the societal participation of people with intellectual disabilities via
competitive employment requires a full understanding of what this means to them. This …

Barriers to employment of people with intellectual disability

US Jacob, J Pillay, OE Adeoye, TK Oni - Work, 2023 - journals.sagepub.com
BACKGROUND: People with intellectual disability are likely to face long-standing
employment barriers in finding and kee** jobs, for a variety of reasons. This study …

Job satisfaction of people with intellectual disabilities in integrated and sheltered employment: An exploration of the literature

A Akkerman, CGC Janssen, S Kef… - Journal of Policy and …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
Paying attention to job satisfaction of people with intellectual disabilities, in either integrated
or sheltered employment, is important, to increase individual as well as organizational …

Perspectives of employees with intellectual disabilities on themes relevant to their job satisfaction. An explorative study using photovoice

A Akkerman, CGC Janssen, S Kef… - Journal of Applied …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Background This study explored the perspectives of people with intellectual disabilities on
themes relevant to their job satisfaction in integrated and sheltered employment. Method …

Seamless transition and long-term support for individuals with severe intellectual disabilities

NJ Certo, RG Luecking, S Murphy… - … and practice for …, 2008 - journals.sagepub.com
The amendments to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA) in
2004 reiterate the significance of producing real postsecondary education, employment, and …

National Core Indicators ©: Data on the current state of employment of adults with IDD and suggestions for policy development

J Butterworth, D Hiersteiner, J Engler… - Journal of …, 2015 - journals.sagepub.com
BACKGROUND: Rates of integrated employment among people with IDD receiving services
are low and have remained essentially unchanged for the past ten years. National Core …

Does providing transition services by age 14 produce better vocational outcomes for students with intellectual disability?

RE Cimera, S Burgess… - Research and Practice …, 2014 - journals.sagepub.com
This study examined the potential impact providing transition services early had on the
vocational outcomes achieved by young adults with intellectual disability. Two groups were …