Spectral manipulations of random fiber lasers: principles, characteristics, and applications
Random fiber lasers (RFLs), a new variety of random lasers, have become a vigorous
research spot over the past decades. RFLs possess superiorities in efficiency, structural …
research spot over the past decades. RFLs possess superiorities in efficiency, structural …
The applications of random fiber lasers in optical fiber communication and sensing systems: A review
Different from traditional cavity-based fiber lasers, well-defined resonant cavities are
replaced by random feedback mechanisms for lasing generation in random fiber lasers …
replaced by random feedback mechanisms for lasing generation in random fiber lasers …
Multimode random fiber laser for speckle-free imaging
Light sources with high radiance are increasingly required for full-field real-time imaging.
Conventional lasing sources are poorly suited for such imaging due to their high spatial or …
Conventional lasing sources are poorly suited for such imaging due to their high spatial or …
5.1 kW tandem-pumped fiber amplifier seeded by random fiber laser with high suppression of stimulated Raman scattering
Z Wang, W Yu, J Tian, T Qi, D Li, Q **
Y Chen, C Fan, T Yao, H ** scheme
Z Wang, P Yan, Y Huang, J Tian, C Cai… - 2019 IEEE Photonics …, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In this paper, we presented a monolithic high power random fiber laser with a tandem-
pum** scheme. The random fiber laser seed centered at 1064 nm was pumped by a 1018 …
pum** scheme. The random fiber laser seed centered at 1064 nm was pumped by a 1018 …
Cascaded random Raman fiber laser with low RIN and wide wavelength tunability
B Han, S Dong, Y Liu, Z Wang - Photonic Sensors, 2022 - Springer
Cascaded random Raman fiber lasers (CRRFLs) have been used as a new platform for
designing high power and wavelength-agile laser sources. Recently, CRRFL pumped by …
designing high power and wavelength-agile laser sources. Recently, CRRFL pumped by …