A framework to support selection of cloud providers based on security and privacy requirements
Cloud computing is an evolving paradigm that is radically changing the way humans store,
share and access their digital files. Despite the many benefits, such as the introduction of a …
share and access their digital files. Despite the many benefits, such as the introduction of a …
DEFeND architecture: a privacy by design platform for GDPR compliance
The advent of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) imposes
organizations to cope with radical changes concerning user data protection paradigms …
organizations to cope with radical changes concerning user data protection paradigms …
Security requirements engineering for cloud computing: The secure tropos approach
Security is considered an important aspect of software systems, especially in the context of
cloud computing. Nevertheless, current practices towards securing software systems fail to …
cloud computing. Nevertheless, current practices towards securing software systems fail to …
Model based process to support security and privacy requirements engineering
Software systems are becoming more complex, interconnected and liable to adopt
continuous change and evolution. It's necessary to develop appropriate methods and …
continuous change and evolution. It's necessary to develop appropriate methods and …
Modelling the interplay of security, privacy and trust in sociotechnical systems: a computer-aided design approach
Personal data have become a central asset for multiple enterprise applications and online
services offered by private companies, public organisations or a combination of both. The …
services offered by private companies, public organisations or a combination of both. The …
A framework for enabling trust requirements in social cloud applications
Cloud applications entail the provision of a huge amount of heterogeneous, geographically
distributed resources managed and shared by many different stakeholders who often do not …
distributed resources managed and shared by many different stakeholders who often do not …
Robustness verification of soft security systems
AJ Bidgoly - Journal of Information Security and Applications, 2020 - Elsevier
Soft security is a new generation of security methods that, unlike traditional ones such as
encryption and access control (known as hard security), uses social-based control to secure …
encryption and access control (known as hard security), uses social-based control to secure …
The supply chain of a Living Lab: Modelling security, privacy, and vulnerability issues alongside with their impact and potential mitigation strategies
Worldwide, vulnerabilities and weak security strategies are exploited everyday by
adversaries in healthcare organizations. Healthcare is targeted because these crimes are …
adversaries in healthcare organizations. Healthcare is targeted because these crimes are …
A data scope management service to support privacy by design and GDPR compliance
In order to empower user data protection and user rights, the European General Data
Protection Regulation (GDPR) has been enforced. On the positive side, the user is obtaining …
Protection Regulation (GDPR) has been enforced. On the positive side, the user is obtaining …
Modeling trust relationships for develo** trustworthy information systems
Develo** a trustworthy information system is a challenging task. The overall
trustworthiness of an information system depends on trust relationships that are generally …
trustworthiness of an information system depends on trust relationships that are generally …