Zigzag mutation: A new mutation operator to improve the genetic algorithm

S Harifi, R Mohamaddoust - Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2023 - Springer
Genetic algorithm is an exploratory method inspired by Darwin's theory of natural evolution.
This algorithm reflects the natural selection process in which suitable individuals are …

Adaptive reinforcement-based genetic algorithm for combinatorial optimization

Z Zojaji, A Kazemi - Journal of Computing and Security, 2022 - jcomsec.ui.ac.ir
Combinatorial optimization is the procedure of optimizing an objective function over the
discrete configuration space. A genetic algorithm (GA) has been applied successfully to …

The traveling salesman problem: algorithms, sub-tours and applications in combinatorial optimization

VO Oladokun, BO Odedairo, OS Atitebi - 2020 - repository.ui.edu.ng
The importance of the traveling salesman problem (TSP) in combinatorial optimization and
its application and adaptability to numerous real-life problems has led to the development of …