[HTML][HTML] Deviation from the balanced time perspective: A systematic review of empirical relationships with psychological variables
An increasing interest in the construct of time perspective (TP), describing dispositional
tendencies to use, and overuse particular time horizons, is observed in psychological …
tendencies to use, and overuse particular time horizons, is observed in psychological …
Emotional intelligence as a mediator in the relationship between academic performance and burnout in high school students
Low performance of high school students and repeating a year are major problems in the
education system. Low performance in the classroom generates negative emotions in young …
education system. Low performance in the classroom generates negative emotions in young …
Reciprocal relations between future time perspective and academic achievement among adolescents: A four‐wave longitudinal study
H Hao, X Li, H Jiang, H Lyu - Journal of Adolescence, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Introduction Adolescents' academic achievement is closely associated with their future time
perspective. However, the reciprocal nature of this relationship remains ambiguous due to a …
perspective. However, the reciprocal nature of this relationship remains ambiguous due to a …
Balanced time perspective and life satisfaction: the mediating role of “temporal negative affect”
The relationship between a balanced time perspective and life satisfaction has been
demonstrated in previous studies, yet the potential mechanisms underlying this relationship …
demonstrated in previous studies, yet the potential mechanisms underlying this relationship …
Association of emotion regulation and dispositional mindfulness in an adolescent sample: the mediational role of time perspective
This study relates emotional regulation strategies with dispositional mindfulness and the
mediating role of time perspective. It is based on the fact that one of the mechanisms of …
mediating role of time perspective. It is based on the fact that one of the mechanisms of …
Time is the fire in which we burn (out): how time perspectives affect burnout tendencies in health care professionals via perceived stress and self-efficacy
Abstract Aim and Background: The purpose of the current study is to examine the influence
of time perspectives (TP) on the burnout-tendency of health care professionals. The concept …
of time perspectives (TP) on the burnout-tendency of health care professionals. The concept …
[HTML][HTML] Deviations from a balanced time perspective in late adulthood: Associations with current g and g in youth
This study investigated relations between general cognitive ability (g) and aspects of time
perspective, ie habitual ways of relating to the past, present, and future, in a sample of older …
perspective, ie habitual ways of relating to the past, present, and future, in a sample of older …
Temporal Asymmetry of Pleasant and Unpleasant Feelings Among Chinese Adolescents
H Hao, Q Hu, X Shen, Y Hu, H Lyu - The Journal of Psychology, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Previous studies have shown that anticipation induces more emotions than retrospection,
known as temporal emotion asymmetry. However, the majority of previous studies have …
known as temporal emotion asymmetry. However, the majority of previous studies have …
The neural substrates of sex differences in balanced time perspective: A unique role for the precuneus
Sex differences in various aspects of behaviour and cognition have been widely observed.
Few studies, however, have explored potential sex differences in maintaining a balanced …
Few studies, however, have explored potential sex differences in maintaining a balanced …
Time perspective and psychological well-being in younger and older adults
OL Pethtel, M Moist, S Baker - Journal of Positive Psychology and …, 2018 -
The purpose of the present study was to examine the present fatalistic time perspective as a
mechanism that may partially account for age differences in purpose in life and personal …
mechanism that may partially account for age differences in purpose in life and personal …