Plastic-damage model for cyclic loading of concrete structures
A new plastic-damage model for concrete subjected to cyclic loading is developed using the
concepts of fracture-energy-based damage and stiffness degradation in continuum damage …
concepts of fracture-energy-based damage and stiffness degradation in continuum damage …
A plastic‐damage concrete model for earthquake analysis of dams
A new plastic‐damage constitutive model for cyclic loading of concrete has been developed
for the earthquake analysis of concrete dams. The rate‐independent model consistently …
for the earthquake analysis of concrete dams. The rate‐independent model consistently …
[HTML][HTML] An energy release rate-based plastic-damage model for concrete
A new plastic-damage constitutive model for concrete is proposed in this paper. A tensile
and a shear damage variable are adopted to describe the degradation of the …
and a shear damage variable are adopted to describe the degradation of the …
A variationally consistent phase-field anisotropic damage model for fracture
In the phase-field modeling of fracture in brittle and quasi-brittle solids, it is crucial to
represent the asymmetric tensile/compressive material behavior. Existing phase-field …
represent the asymmetric tensile/compressive material behavior. Existing phase-field …
Micro-scale continuous and discrete numerical models for nonlinear analysis of masonry shear walls
A novel damage mechanics-based continuous micro-model for the analysis of masonry-
walls is presented and compared with other two well-known discrete micro-models. The …
walls is presented and compared with other two well-known discrete micro-models. The …
X-ray computed tomography images based phase-field modeling of mesoscopic failure in concrete
Crack nucleation and propagation in concrete is significantly affected by mesoscopic
heterogeneities, resulting in distinct failure modes and mechanical behavior. In this work, the …
heterogeneities, resulting in distinct failure modes and mechanical behavior. In this work, the …
A literature review on dynamic analysis of concrete gravity and arch dams
This paper is devoted to a literature review for various treatments of dynamic analysis of
concrete gravity and arch dams. The dynamic analysis of dams can be carried out by using …
concrete gravity and arch dams. The dynamic analysis of dams can be carried out by using …
Effects of near-fault and far-fault ground motions on nonlinear dynamic response and seismic damage of concrete gravity dams
As the forward directivity and fling effect characteristics of the near-fault ground motions,
seismic response of structures in the near field of a rupturing fault can be significantly …
seismic response of structures in the near field of a rupturing fault can be significantly …
Fracture energy based bi-dissipative damage model for concrete
An isotropic damage model for concrete is presented. The main features of the model are:
limited number of constitutive parameters required; independent modelling of tension and …
limited number of constitutive parameters required; independent modelling of tension and …
Soil–structure interaction effects on seismic inelastic analysis of 3-D tunnels
This paper investigates the importance of seismic soil–structure interaction in three-
dimensional lined tunnels, assuming inelastic material behaviour for both the concrete liner …
dimensional lined tunnels, assuming inelastic material behaviour for both the concrete liner …