Plastic-damage model for cyclic loading of concrete structures

J Lee, GL Fenves - Journal of engineering mechanics, 1998‏ -
A new plastic-damage model for concrete subjected to cyclic loading is developed using the
concepts of fracture-energy-based damage and stiffness degradation in continuum damage …

A plastic‐damage concrete model for earthquake analysis of dams

J Lee, GL Fenves - Earthquake engineering & structural …, 1998‏ - Wiley Online Library
A new plastic‐damage constitutive model for cyclic loading of concrete has been developed
for the earthquake analysis of concrete dams. The rate‐independent model consistently …

[HTML][HTML] An energy release rate-based plastic-damage model for concrete

JY Wu, J Li, R Faria - International journal of Solids and Structures, 2006‏ - Elsevier
A new plastic-damage constitutive model for concrete is proposed in this paper. A tensile
and a shear damage variable are adopted to describe the degradation of the …

A variationally consistent phase-field anisotropic damage model for fracture

JY Wu, VP Nguyen, H Zhou, Y Huang - Computer Methods in Applied …, 2020‏ - Elsevier
In the phase-field modeling of fracture in brittle and quasi-brittle solids, it is crucial to
represent the asymmetric tensile/compressive material behavior. Existing phase-field …

Micro-scale continuous and discrete numerical models for nonlinear analysis of masonry shear walls

M Petracca, L Pelà, R Rossi, S Zaghi, G Camata… - … and Building Materials, 2017‏ - Elsevier
A novel damage mechanics-based continuous micro-model for the analysis of masonry-
walls is presented and compared with other two well-known discrete micro-models. The …

X-ray computed tomography images based phase-field modeling of mesoscopic failure in concrete

ZJ Yang, BB Li, JY Wu - Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2019‏ - Elsevier
Crack nucleation and propagation in concrete is significantly affected by mesoscopic
heterogeneities, resulting in distinct failure modes and mechanical behavior. In this work, the …

A literature review on dynamic analysis of concrete gravity and arch dams

M Rezaiee-Pajand, MS Kazemiyan… - Archives of Computational …, 2021‏ - Springer
This paper is devoted to a literature review for various treatments of dynamic analysis of
concrete gravity and arch dams. The dynamic analysis of dams can be carried out by using …

Effects of near-fault and far-fault ground motions on nonlinear dynamic response and seismic damage of concrete gravity dams

S Zhang, G Wang - Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2013‏ - Elsevier
As the forward directivity and fling effect characteristics of the near-fault ground motions,
seismic response of structures in the near field of a rupturing fault can be significantly …

Fracture energy based bi-dissipative damage model for concrete

C Comi, U Perego - International journal of solids and structures, 2001‏ - Elsevier
An isotropic damage model for concrete is presented. The main features of the model are:
limited number of constitutive parameters required; independent modelling of tension and …

Soil–structure interaction effects on seismic inelastic analysis of 3-D tunnels

GD Hatzigeorgiou, DE Beskos - Soil Dynamics and Earthquake …, 2010‏ - Elsevier
This paper investigates the importance of seismic soil–structure interaction in three-
dimensional lined tunnels, assuming inelastic material behaviour for both the concrete liner …