Overview and drivers of agile manufacturing system: a review

R Sindhwani, V Malhotra - International Journal of Marketing …, 2013 - indianjournals.com
Agile manufacturing is a popularized concept, that has been advocated as the 21st century
manufacturing paradigm. Agile manufacturing requires enriching of the customer, co …

Databased product adjustments during manufacturing based on agile production and digital representation in shipbuilding prefabrication

K Jagusch, J Sender, W Flügge - Procedia CIRP, 2020 - Elsevier
In one-off production, such as shipbuilding, the continuing influence of customers and the
parallelization of process steps lead to design adjustments during current production. A …

The effect of agile manufacturing on logistics performance: the case of textile sector

E Gelmez, M Zerenler - İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2020 - ceeol.com
Purpose–It has become a requirement for businesses to follow the changes occurring both
in its inside and outside environment in a competitive environment where there is a …

A comparative analysis of factor analysis model for pinpointing agile developers

A Khatri, D Garg… - International Journal of …, 2019 - inderscienceonline.com
Agile manufacturing is an emerging approach of engineering to deal with dynamic demand
of customer and market. The prime factors that influence agility are agile developers and …

[PDF][PDF] Agile Manufacturing System: Benefits, Challenges, and Critical Success Factors

OC Chikwendu, NO Constance, EO Chiedu - Journal of Multidisciplinary …, 2020 - jmest.org
Identified as a manufacturing system that enables a production company to attain flexibility
and also respond to the changing demands of the customers by manufacturing diverse …


АН АСАНОВ - Стандарты и качество, 2012 - elibrary.ru
Принято считать, что понятие «активное производство»(agile manufacturing) было
сформулировано и впервые официально представлено Институтом исследования …

[KNYGA][B] Continuous improvement through lean tools an application in a coal fly ash processing plant in Sasolburg, South Africa

AL Tau - 2022 - search.proquest.com
In a competitive market, most manufacturers strive to efficiently manage their operations so
that they stay competitive. Manufacturing and market penetration strategies are set in to …

The role of lean and agile supply attributes in the performance of VAS in distribution centres: an exploratory study

E Klundt - 2022 - eprints.glos.ac.uk
Background: The integration of different customised value added services (VAS) in
warehouse logistics is an increasing trend. This fact requires logistics managers to identify …


НБ Акатов - pstu.ru
Актуальность темы исследования. Укрепление конкурентной позиций российской
промышленности на мировом рынке высокотехнологичной продукции обосновано …

تحقيق جودة المنتوج باستعمال الرشاقة التنظيمية/دراسة حالة في شركة النعمان العامة

اياد محمود الرحيم… - Journal of Economics …, 2017‎ - jeasiq.uobaghdad.edu.iq
المستخلص يساعد استعمال اليات الرشاقة التنظيمية في تحسين جودة المنتجات من خلال تقليل
الهدر او الحد منه, وذلك بإزالة الانشطة التي لا تضيف قيمة, والتي تعد السبب الرئيس لعدم الكفاءة …