[HTML][HTML] Fair division of indivisible goods: Recent progress and open questions

G Amanatidis, H Aziz, G Birmpas, A Filos-Ratsikas… - Artificial Intelligence, 2023 - Elsevier
Allocating resources to individuals in a fair manner has been a topic of interest since ancient
times, with most of the early mathematical work on the problem focusing on resources that …

Fair division in the internet age

H Moulin - Annual Review of Economics, 2019 - annualreviews.org
Fair division, a key concern in the design of many social institutions, has for 70 years been
the subject of interdisciplinary research at the interface of mathematics, economics, and …

Fairrec: Two-sided fairness for personalized recommendations in two-sided platforms

GK Patro, A Biswas, N Ganguly, KP Gummadi… - Proceedings of the web …, 2020 - dl.acm.org
We investigate the problem of fair recommendation in the context of two-sided online
platforms, comprising customers on one side and producers on the other. Traditionally …

The unreasonable fairness of maximum Nash welfare

I Caragiannis, D Kurokawa, H Moulin… - ACM Transactions on …, 2019 - dl.acm.org
The maximum Nash welfare (MNW) solution—which selects an allocation that maximizes
the product of utilities—is known to provide outstanding fairness guarantees when allocating …

Fair division of indivisible goods: A survey

G Amanatidis, G Birmpas, A Filos-Ratsikas… - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2022 - arxiv.org
Allocating resources to individuals in a fair manner has been a topic of interest since the
ancient times, with most of the early rigorous mathematical work on the problem focusing on …

Finding fair and efficient allocations

S Barman, SK Krishnamurthy, R Vaish - … of the 2018 ACM Conference on …, 2018 - dl.acm.org
We study the problem of allocating a set of indivisible goods among a set of agents in a fair
and efficient manner. An allocation is said to be fair if it is envy-free up to one good (EF1) …

Fair enough: Guaranteeing approximate maximin shares

D Kurokawa, AD Procaccia, J Wang - Journal of the ACM (JACM), 2018 - dl.acm.org
We consider the problem of fairly allocating indivisible goods, focusing on a recently
introduced notion of fairness called maximin share guarantee: each player's value for his …

Approximation algorithms for maximin fair division

S Barman, SK Krishnamurthy - ACM Transactions on Economics and …, 2020 - dl.acm.org
We consider the problem of allocating indivisible goods fairly among n agents who have
additive and submodular valuations for the goods. Our fairness guarantees are in terms of …

Fair allocation of indivisible goods: Improvements and generalizations

M Ghodsi, MT HajiAghayi, M Seddighin… - Proceedings of the …, 2018 - dl.acm.org
We study the problem of fair allocation for indivisible goods. We use the maxmin share
paradigm introduced by Budish~\citeBudish: first as a measure for fairness.\procacciafirst …

An improved approximation algorithm for maximin shares

J Garg, S Taki - Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on …, 2020 - dl.acm.org
We study the problem of fair allocation of m indivisible items among n agents with additive
valuations using the popular notion of maximin share (MMS) as our measure of fairness. An …