The endowment effect
The endowment effect is among the best known findings in behavioral economics and has
been used as evidence for theories of reference-dependent preferences and loss aversion …
been used as evidence for theories of reference-dependent preferences and loss aversion …
Daily labor supply and adaptive reference points
This paper provides field evidence on how reference points adjust, a degree of freedom in
reference-dependence models. Examining this in the context of cabdrivers' daily labor …
reference-dependence models. Examining this in the context of cabdrivers' daily labor …
The price of gold: Dowry and death in India
We provide evidence that dowry costs motivate son-preferring behaviors in India. Since gold
is an integral part of dowry, we study parental responses to shocks in the world gold price …
is an integral part of dowry, we study parental responses to shocks in the world gold price …
Loss aversion in strategy-proof school-choice mechanisms
Evidence suggests that participants in strategy-proof matching mechanisms play dominated
strategies. To explain the data, we introduce expectation-based loss aversion into a school …
strategies. To explain the data, we introduce expectation-based loss aversion into a school …
Quality disclosure under consumer loss aversion
Consumers experience a sense of loss when a product's quality does not match their
expectations. To alleviate consumer loss aversion (CLA), firms can disclose information to …
expectations. To alleviate consumer loss aversion (CLA), firms can disclose information to …
An endowment effect for risk: Experimental tests of stochastic reference points
Recent models of reference-dependent preferences indicate that expectations may play a
prominent role in the presence of behavioral anomalies. A subset of such expectations …
prominent role in the presence of behavioral anomalies. A subset of such expectations …
Supporting organizational decisions on How to improve customer repurchase using multi-instance counterfactual explanations
Improving customer repurchase intention constitutes a key activity for maintaining
sustainable business performance. Returning customers provide many economic and other …
sustainable business performance. Returning customers provide many economic and other …
Selling substitute goods to loss‐averse consumers: Limited availability, bargains, and rip‐offs
This article derives the optimal pricing and product‐availability strategies for a retailer selling
two substitute goods to loss‐averse consumers and shows that limited‐availability sales …
two substitute goods to loss‐averse consumers and shows that limited‐availability sales …
Competition under consumer loss aversion
We address the effect of expectation‐based consumer loss aversion on firm strategy in
imperfect competition. Consumers are fully informed about match value and price at the …
imperfect competition. Consumers are fully informed about match value and price at the …
Loss aversion and the demand for index insurance
This work analyzes if reference dependence and loss aversion can explain the puzzling low
adoption rates of rainfall index insurance. We present a model that predicts the impact of …
adoption rates of rainfall index insurance. We present a model that predicts the impact of …