Numeracy, adult education, and vulnerable adults: a critical view of a neglected field
This survey paper examines selected issues related to the intersection of three broad
scholarly areas: numeracy, adult education, and vulnerability. Numeracy encompasses the …
scholarly areas: numeracy, adult education, and vulnerability. Numeracy encompasses the …
Adult education in mathematics and numeracy: a sco** review of recent research
I Gal - ZDM–Mathematics Education, 2024 - Springer
The paper responds to the need for understanding trends and gaps in extant research
related to adult education in mathematics and numeracy, given changing skill demands and …
related to adult education in mathematics and numeracy, given changing skill demands and …
Bypassing digital literacy: Marginalized citizens' tactics for participation and inclusion in digital societies
This article asks what digital literacy tactics low-literate Dutch adults employ to bypass their
low-literacy to be able to participate in digital society, and what the consequences are for …
low-literacy to be able to participate in digital society, and what the consequences are for …
Literacy and numeracy: Global and comparative perspectives
The overall aim of this special issue is to contribute to the international discourse around
literacy, numeracy, adult education and basic education. It engages with numeracy and …
literacy, numeracy, adult education and basic education. It engages with numeracy and …
The automated literacies of e-recruitment and online services
Online technologies have entered almost all spheres of life, introducing new challenges to
how literacies are theorised, defined and taken up in adult literacy education settings. This …
how literacies are theorised, defined and taken up in adult literacy education settings. This …
Literalität, digitale Praktiken und Grundkompetenzen
Digitale Technologien halten Einzug in diverse Lebensbereiche. Das tangiert auch den
Bereich der Schriftlichkeit. Grundsätzlich ist neben gedruckten schriftlichen Informationen …
Bereich der Schriftlichkeit. Grundsätzlich ist neben gedruckten schriftlichen Informationen …
Adaptation and validation of the academic motivation scale for higher education across four Eastern European countries
The article focuses on adaptation and validation of the Academic Motivation Scale
questionnaire (AMS‐28) in higher education in four Eastern European countries: Czechia …
questionnaire (AMS‐28) in higher education in four Eastern European countries: Czechia …
Supporting adults to become numerate citizens: a study of adult numeracy provision in Ireland
This paper revisits and reanalyses data from a study carried out in the further education and
training sector in the Republic of Ireland to investigate (1) how adults access and participate …
training sector in the Republic of Ireland to investigate (1) how adults access and participate …
Cognitive research and mathematics education—How can basic research reach the classroom?
Numeracy is critically associated with personal and vocational life-prospects (Evans et al.,
2017; Grotlüschen et al., 2019); yet, many adults and children lack a basic level of …
2017; Grotlüschen et al., 2019); yet, many adults and children lack a basic level of …
Digital inclusion of low-literate adults: challenging the sequential underpinnings of the digital divide
Contemporary models of digital inclusion and the digital divide assume that develo** the
digital literacy that enables individuals to participate in society is a sequential and linear …
digital literacy that enables individuals to participate in society is a sequential and linear …