Stochastic programming models in energy

SW Wallace, SE Fleten - … in operations research and management science, 2003 - Elsevier
We give the reader a tour of good energy optimization models that explicitly deal with
uncertainty. The uncertainty usually stems from unpredictability of demand and/or prices of …

Large-scale unit commitment under uncertainty: an updated literature survey

W Van Ackooij, I Danti Lopez, A Frangioni… - Annals of Operations …, 2018 - Springer
Abstract The Unit Commitment problem in energy management aims at finding the optimal
production schedule of a set of generation units, while meeting various system-wide …

Electricity market modeling trends

M Ventosa, A Baıllo, A Ramos, M Rivier - Energy policy, 2005 - Elsevier
The trend towards competition in the electricity sector has led to efforts by the research
community to develop decision and analysis support models adapted to the new market …

Constructing bidding curves for a price-taking retailer in the Norwegian electricity market

SE Fleten, E Pettersen - IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2005 -
We propose a stochastic linear programming model for constructing piecewise-linear
bidding curves to be submitted to Nord Pool, which is the Nordic power exchange. We …

Large-scale unit commitment under uncertainty

M Tahanan, W van Ackooij, A Frangioni, F Lacalandra - 4or, 2015 - Springer
Abstract The Unit Commitment problem in energy management aims at finding the optimal
productions schedule of a set of generation units while meeting various system-wide …

Stochastic programming for optimizing bidding strategies of a Nordic hydropower producer

SE Fleten, TK Kristoffersen - European Journal of Operational Research, 2007 - Elsevier
From the point of view of a price-taking hydropower producer participating in the day-ahead
power market, market prices are highly uncertain. The present paper provides a model for …

Bidding in sequential electricity markets: The Nordic case

TK Boomsma, N Juul, SE Fleten - European Journal of Operational …, 2014 - Elsevier
For electricity market participants trading in sequential markets with differences in price
levels and risk exposure, it is relevant to analyze the potential of coordinated bidding. We …

Critical review of pricing schemes in markets with non-convex costs

G Liberopoulos, P Andrianesis - Operations Research, 2016 -
We consider a market in which suppliers with asymmetric capacities and asymmetric
marginal and fixed costs compete to satisfy a deterministic and inelastic demand of a …

Optimal offering strategies for generation companies operating in electricity spot markets

A Baillo, M Ventosa, M Rivier… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2004 -
An unprecedented process of reforms has shaken the power industry during the last two
decades. In order to sell the energy produced by their plants, many generation companies …

Electricity producer offering strategies in day-ahead energy market with step-wise offers

AG Bakirtzis, NP Ziogos, AC Tellidou… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2007 -
This paper addresses the problem of the development of optimal offering strategies by
electricity producers in day-ahead energy auctions with step-wise energy offer format. The …