Formation of the Isthmus of Panama

A O'Dea, HA Lessios, AG Coates, RI Eytan… - Science …, 2016 -
The formation of the Isthmus of Panama stands as one of the greatest natural events of the
Cenozoic, driving profound biotic transformations on land and in the oceans. Some recent …

The evolution of fishes and corals on reefs: form, function and interdependence

DR Bellwood, CHR Goatley, O Bellwood - Biological Reviews, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Coral reefs are renowned for their spectacular biodiversity and the close links between
fishes and corals. Despite extensive fossil records and common biogeographic histories, the …

Fish reproductive-energy output increases disproportionately with body size

DR Barneche, DR Robertson, CR White, DJ Marshall - Science, 2018 -
Body size determines total reproductive-energy output. Most theories assume reproductive
output is a fixed proportion of size, with respect to mass, but formal macroecological tests are …

mvmorph: an r package for fitting multivariate evolutionary models to morphometric data

J Clavel, G Escarguel… - Methods in Ecology and …, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
We present mvmorph, a package of multivariate phylogenetic comparative methods for the r
statistical environment. mvmorph is freely available on the cran package repository …

Exceptional convergence on the macroevolutionary landscape in island lizard radiations

DL Mahler, T Ingram, LJ Revell, JB Losos - Science, 2013 -
GG Simpson, one of the chief architects of evolutionary biology's modern synthesis,
proposed that diversification occurs on a macroevolutionary adaptive landscape, but …

On the origin of endemic species in the Red Sea

JD DiBattista, J Howard Choat… - Journal of …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
Aim The geological and palaeo‐climatic forces that produced the unique biodiversity in the
Red Sea are a subject of vigorous debate. Here, we review evidence for and against the …

Systematics of damselfishes

KL Tang, MLJ Stiassny, RL Mayden… - Ichthyology & …, 2021 -
The family Pomacentridae is a species-rich group of primarily marine fishes. The
phylogenetic relationships of the damselfishes are examined herein using sequence data …

A morphospace for reef fishes: elongation is the dominant axis of body shape evolution

T Claverie, PC Wainwright - PloS one, 2014 -
Tropical reef fishes are widely regarded as being perhaps the most morphologically diverse
vertebrate assemblage on earth, yet much remains to be discovered about the scope and …

The biogeography of tropical reef fishes: endemism and provinciality through time

PF Cowman, V Parravicini, M Kulbicki… - Biological …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
The largest marine biodiversity hotspot straddles the I ndian and P acific O ceans, driven by
taxa associated with tropical coral reefs. Centred on the I ndo‐A ustralian A rchipelago (IAA) …

Trophic innovations fuel reef fish diversification

AC Siqueira, RA Morais, DR Bellwood… - Nature …, 2020 -
Reef fishes are an exceptionally speciose vertebrate assemblage, yet the main drivers of
their diversification remain unclear. It has been suggested that Miocene reef rearrangements …