Mixing and segregation of granular materials

JM Ottino, DV Khakhar - Annual review of fluid mechanics, 2000 - annualreviews.org
▪ Abstract Granular materials segregate. Small differences in either size or density lead to
flow-induced segregation, a complex phenomenon without parallel in fluids. Modeling of …

Complexity, segregation, and pattern formation in rotating-drum flows

G Seiden, PJ Thomas - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2011 - APS
Rotating-drum flows span a variety of research areas, ranging from physics of granular
matter through hydrodynamics of suspensions to pure liquid coating flows. Recent years …

[BOOK][B] Pattern formation in granular materials

GH Ristow - 2000 - books.google.com
Granular materials are an integral part of our everyday life. They are also the base material
for most industrial processing techniques. The highly dissipative nature of the particle …

Continuum theory of partially fluidized granular flows

IS Aranson, LS Tsimring - Physical Review E, 2002 - APS
A continuum theory of partially fluidized granular flows is developed. The theory is based on
a combination of the equations for the flow velocity and shear stresses coupled with the …

Regimes of segregation and mixing in combined size and density granular systems: an experimental study

N Jain, JM Ottino, RM Lueptow - Granular Matter, 2005 - Springer
Granular segregation in a rotating tumbler occurs due to differences in either particle size or
density, which are often varied individually while the other is held constant. Both cases …

Particle shape-induced radial segregation of binary mixtures in a rotating drum

SY He, JQ Gan, D Pinson, ZY Zhou - Powder technology, 2019 - Elsevier
Rotating drums are widely used in various processes such as mixing, coating and drying,
where particle segregation remains one of the major concerns. In the past, most of the …

Scaling relations for granular flow in quasi-two-dimensional rotating cylinders

AV Orpe, DV Khakhar - Physical review E, 2001 - APS
An experimental study of the flow of different materials (steel balls, glass beads, and sand) in
quasi-two-dimensional rotating cylinders is carried out using flow visualization. The flow in …

Mixing and segregation in powders: evaluation, mechanisms and processes

R Hogg - KONA Powder and Particle Journal, 2009 - jstage.jst.go.jp
Mixing in powders generally results from relative motion of groups of particles‒convective
mixing‒or of individuals‒diffusive mixing. Segregation or demixing occurs when the motion …

Granular segregation in circular tumblers: theoretical model and scaling laws

CP Schlick, Y Fan, PB Umbanhowar… - Journal of Fluid …, 2015 - cambridge.org
We model bidisperse size segregation of granular material in quasi-two-dimensional circular
tumbler flow using the advection–diffusion transport equation with an additional term to …

Mixing and segregation of granular materials in chute flows

DV Khakhar, JJ McCarthy, JM Ottino - Chaos: An Interdisciplinary …, 1999 - pubs.aip.org
Mixing of granular solids is invariably accompanied by segregation, however, the
fundamentals of the process are not well understood. We analyze density and size …