An intelligent structural damage detection approach based on self-powered wireless sensor data

AH Alavi, H Hasni, N Lajnef, K Chatti… - Automation in …, 2016 - Elsevier
This study presents the results of an ongoing research project conducted by the US Federal
Highway Administration (FHWA) on develo** an intelligent approach for structural …

Damage growth detection in steel plates: Numerical and experimental studies

AH Alavi, H Hasni, N Lajnef, K Chatti - Engineering Structures, 2016 - Elsevier
This paper presents a new method for crack growth detection in steel plates through the
analysis of cumulative duration of strain events measured by a self-powered sensing …

Output‐Only Modal Analysis Based on Improved Empirical Mode Decomposition Method

S Qin, Q Wang, J Kang - Advances in Materials Science and …, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
The output‐only modal analysis for bridge structures based on improved empirical mode
decomposition (EMD) is investigated in this study. First, a bandwidth restricted EMD is …

Structural health monitoring of long-span suspension bridges using wavelet packet analysis

Y Ding, A Li - Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 2007 - Springer
During the service life of civil engineering structures such as long-span bridges, local
damage at key positions may continually accumulate, and may finally result in their sudden …


刘纲, 邵毅敏, 黄宗明, 周晓君 - 工程力学, 2010 -
利用结构长期监测信号的多尺度特性, 提出较为精确分离温度效应的自适应带宽滤波方法.
按照多尺度分析思想, 将温度和温度效应在日温差, 年温差和聚然降温等不同时间尺度上展开 …


刘斌, 姚永丁, 叶贵如 - 工程力学, 2005 -
在振动模态试验中, 传感器位置和数目的选择对试验结果的质量有很大的影响.
首先回顾了**年来关于传感器最优布点方法的研究. 然后以一座三跨预应力混凝土斜拉桥为研究 …

[CITARE][C] 土木工程结构损伤诊断研究进展

宗周红, 任伟新, 阮毅 - 土木工程学报, 2003

[CITARE][C] 基于模型确认的结构概率损伤识别方法研究进展

宗周红, 牛杰, 王浩 - 土木工程学报, 2012

[CITARE][C] 大型桥梁健康监测动态及发展趋势

邬晓光, 徐祖恩 - 长安大学学报 (自然科学版), 2003

[CITARE][C] 隧道结构健康监测系统与光纤传感技术

丁勇, 施斌, 隋海波 - 防灾减灾工程学报, 2005