The effect of phonetic production training with visual feedback on the perception and production of foreign speech sounds
N Kartushina, A Hervais-Adelman… - The journal of the …, 2015 -
Second-language learners often experience major difficulties in producing non-native
speech sounds. This paper introduces a training method that uses a real-time analysis of the …
speech sounds. This paper introduces a training method that uses a real-time analysis of the …
The Perception-for-Action-Control Theory (PACT): A perceptuo-motor theory of speech perception
It is an old-standing debate in the field of speech communication to determine whether
speech perception involves auditory or multisensory representations and processing …
speech perception involves auditory or multisensory representations and processing …
Adaptive dispersion theory and phonological vowel reduction in Russian
J Padgett, M Tabain - Phonetica, 2005 -
Russian exhibits a rich pattern of phonological vowel reduction, by which somevowel
contrasts are neutralized in unstressed syllables. Recent work in phonologysuggests a …
contrasts are neutralized in unstressed syllables. Recent work in phonologysuggests a …
Measuring tongue shapes and positions with ultrasound imaging: A validation experiment using an articulatory model
L Ménard, J Aubin, M Thibeault… - Folia Phoniatrica et …, 2012 -
Objective: The goal of this paper is to assess the validity of various metrics developed to
characterize tongue shapes and positions collected through ultrasound imaging in …
characterize tongue shapes and positions collected through ultrasound imaging in …
Role of vocal tract morphology in speech development
The development of speech from infancy to adulthood results from the interaction of
neurocognitive factors, by which phonological representations and motor control abilities are …
neurocognitive factors, by which phonological representations and motor control abilities are …
Production and perception of French vowels by congenitally blind adults and sighted adults
L Ménard, S Dupont, SR Baum, J Aubin - The Journal of the Acoustical …, 2009 -
The goal of this study is to investigate the production and perception of French vowels by
blind and sighted speakers. 12 blind adults and 12 sighted adults served as subjects. The …
blind and sighted speakers. 12 blind adults and 12 sighted adults served as subjects. The …
Talker and acoustic variability in learning to produce nonnative sounds: Evidence from articulatory training
Compared to low‐variability training, high‐variability training leads to better learning
outcomes and supports generalization of learning. However, it is unclear whether the …
outcomes and supports generalization of learning. However, it is unclear whether the …
The vocal tract of newborn humans and Neanderthals: Acoustic capabilities and consequences for the debate on the origin of language. A reply to Lieberman (2007a)
LJ Boë, JL Heim, K Honda, S Maeda, P Badin… - Journal of …, 2007 - Elsevier
Our work casts doubt on fundamental aspects of Lieberman's theory on emergence of
speech and vocal tract architecture. While our results do not show that Neanderthals were …
speech and vocal tract architecture. While our results do not show that Neanderthals were …
Converging toward a common speech code: imitative and perceptuo-motor recalibration processes in speech production
M Sato, K Grabski, M Garnier, L Granjon… - Frontiers in …, 2013 -
Auditory and somatosensory systems play a key role in speech motor control. In the act of
speaking, segmental speech movements are programmed to reach phonemic sensory …
speaking, segmental speech movements are programmed to reach phonemic sensory …
Articulatory–acoustic relationships during vocal tract growth for French vowels: Analysis of real data and simulations with an articulatory model
This paper reports on the articulatory–acoustic relationships involved during vocal tract
growth. Data were taken from a database of ten French vowels uttered by 15 speakers …
growth. Data were taken from a database of ten French vowels uttered by 15 speakers …