Social relations and life satisfaction: the role of friends
Social capital is defined as the individual's pool of social resources found in his/her personal
network. A recent study on Italians living as couples has shown that friendship relationships …
network. A recent study on Italians living as couples has shown that friendship relationships …
[BOK][B] Pertumbuhan dan Perkembangan Motorik: Konsep Perkembangan dan Pertumbuhan Fisik dan Gerak Manusia
Maksud pokok penulisan buku ini adalah dalam rangka memenuhi kebutuhan pokok
mahasiswa terhadap referensi mata kuliah Perkembangan Motorik. Oleh karena itu …
mahasiswa terhadap referensi mata kuliah Perkembangan Motorik. Oleh karena itu …
Perilaku cyberbullying pada remaja dan kaitannya dengan kontrol diri dan komunikasi orang tua
Peningkatan penggunaan teknologi internet pada anak-anak dan remaja memperbesar
resiko terjadinya fenomena cyberbullying. Oleh karenanya, perlu dilakukan kajian untuk …
resiko terjadinya fenomena cyberbullying. Oleh karenanya, perlu dilakukan kajian untuk …
Protective factors against juvenile delinquency: Exploring gender with a nationally representative sample of youth
Youth's social bonds' with conventional social institutions (eg, family and school) and
parental management of youth's leisure time represent two dimensions of suppressants …
parental management of youth's leisure time represent two dimensions of suppressants …
The role of turning points in establishing baseline differences between people in developmental and life‐course criminology
Turning points, between‐person differences, and within‐person changes have all been
linked to desistance from crime. Nevertheless, the means through which between‐person …
linked to desistance from crime. Nevertheless, the means through which between‐person …
Susceptibility to peer influence, self‐control, and delinquency
The significance of peers during adolescence is well established in the social science
literature. However, relatively few studies have devoted attention to susceptibility to peer …
literature. However, relatively few studies have devoted attention to susceptibility to peer …
[BOK][B] Improving school climate: Practical strategies to reduce behavior problems and promote social and emotional learning
GG Bear - 2020 - books.google.com
Improving School Climate provides evidence-based and practical strategies for cultivating a
healthy school environment, while also avoiding behavior problems. The book is packed …
healthy school environment, while also avoiding behavior problems. The book is packed …
The structural relations of self-control, empathy, interpersonal trust, friendship quality, and mental well-being among adolescents: a cross-national comparative study …
J Niu, C **, L Meng - Humanities and Social Sciences …, 2023 - nature.com
The aim of the present study was to explore the structural relationships between self-control,
empathy, interpersonal trust, friendship quality, and mental well-being among Chinese (N …
empathy, interpersonal trust, friendship quality, and mental well-being among Chinese (N …
[BOK][B] Filsafat pendidikan jasmani
Maksud pokok penulisan buku ini adalah dalam rangka memenuhi kebutuhan pokok
mahasiswa terhadap referensi mata kuliah Filsafat Pendidikan Jasmani. Oleh karena itu …
mahasiswa terhadap referensi mata kuliah Filsafat Pendidikan Jasmani. Oleh karena itu …
Karakter sopan santun remaja: Pengaruh metode sosialisasi orang tua dan kontrol diri
F Farhatilwardah, D Hastuti… - Jurnal Ilmu Keluarga Dan …, 2019 - journal.ipb.ac.id
Periode remaja merupakan masa transisi dari masa anak-anak menuju dewasa dengan
tugas perkembangan untuk memperoleh peranan sosial dan kebebasan emosional dari …
tugas perkembangan untuk memperoleh peranan sosial dan kebebasan emosional dari …