[HTML][HTML] Use all generation of crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) for design urban historical fabric (Case Study: The central area of Tehran …
In recent years a new approach has been developed to control and evaluate urban
construction. Investigation of spatial engineering factors and their effects on decreasing …
construction. Investigation of spatial engineering factors and their effects on decreasing …
Examining the effects of crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) on Residential Burglary
Crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) began to develop in the early
1970s as a response to an increase in crime and fear in urban areas. Advancing research in …
1970s as a response to an increase in crime and fear in urban areas. Advancing research in …
Examining the crime prevention claims of crime prevention through environmental design on system-trespassing behaviors: A randomized experiment
Crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) is a non-punitive method for
reducing crime through the design of the built environment. The relevance of CPTED …
reducing crime through the design of the built environment. The relevance of CPTED …
What can built environment and health professionals learn from crime prevention in planning? Introducing 'HPTED'
Abstract Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) has emerged over the
last 30 years as the umbrella term for environmental interventions aimed at reducing crime …
last 30 years as the umbrella term for environmental interventions aimed at reducing crime …
The Under-Representation of the Global South on Editorial Boards in Criminology
G Breetzke - International Journal for Crime, Justice and …, 2025 - crimejusticejournal.com
Less than 5% of editorial board members across all 69 journals listed under the Criminology
and Penology category of Clarivate's Web of Science database have affiliations with …
and Penology category of Clarivate's Web of Science database have affiliations with …
Evaluating the urban design and community life in public housing in Australia
Public housing is an essential component of urban life. For those unable to access the
private housing market, it provides vital shelter. Constructed during the later decades of last …
private housing market, it provides vital shelter. Constructed during the later decades of last …
Crime prevention through environmental design in New South Wales
Crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) involves the manipulation of the
built environment to reduce crime risks. The introduction of the Crime Prevention and the …
built environment to reduce crime risks. The introduction of the Crime Prevention and the …
Policing built environment crime risks: the role of police in CPTED in New South Wales, Australia
Crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) is now routinely adopted in many
parts of the world. The role assumed by police in CPTED practices has however received …
parts of the world. The role assumed by police in CPTED practices has however received …
[PDF][PDF] Elements of security for a gated and guarded community in the context of smart living
Various elements of security are requisite for crime prevention in gated housing
communities. To establish a sustainable secure housing area in the context of the Smart …
communities. To establish a sustainable secure housing area in the context of the Smart …
A review of the impact of crime risk assessment reports in New South Wales, Australia
Crime risks assessment reports are prepared for some specific new proposed developments
in New South Wales (NSW), Australia. These assessments aim to identify crime risks and …
in New South Wales (NSW), Australia. These assessments aim to identify crime risks and …