A Weyl Fermion semimetal with surface Fermi arcs in the transition metal monopnictide TaAs class

SM Huang, SY Xu, I Belopolski, CC Lee… - Nature …, 2015 - nature.com
Weyl fermions are massless chiral fermions that play an important role in quantum field
theory but have never been observed as fundamental particles. A Weyl semimetal is an …

Observation of the chiral-anomaly-induced negative magnetoresistance in 3D Weyl semimetal TaAs

X Huang, L Zhao, Y Long, P Wang, D Chen, Z Yang… - Physical Review X, 2015 - APS
Weyl semimetal is the three-dimensional analog of graphene. According to quantum field
theory, the appearance of Weyl points near the Fermi level will cause novel transport …

Observation of Weyl nodes in TaAs

BQ Lv, N Xu, HM Weng, JZ Ma, P Richard, XC Huang… - Nature Physics, 2015 - nature.com
In 1929, H. Weyl proposed that the massless solution of the Dirac equation represents a pair
of a new type of particles, the so-called Weyl fermions. However, their existence in particle …

Extremely large magnetoresistance and ultrahigh mobility in the topological Weyl semimetal candidate NbP

C Shekhar, AK Nayak, Y Sun, M Schmidt, M Nicklas… - Nature Physics, 2015 - nature.com
Recent experiments have revealed spectacular transport properties in semimetals, such as
the large, non-saturating magnetoresistance exhibited by WTe2 (ref.). Topological …

Negative magnetoresistance in Weyl semimetals NbAs and NbP: Intrinsic chiral anomaly and extrinsic effects

Y Li, Z Wang, P Li, X Yang, Z Shen, F Sheng, X Li… - Frontiers of …, 2017 - Springer
Chiral anomaly-induced negative magnetoresistance (NMR) has been widely used as
critical transport evidence for the existence of Weyl fermions in topological semimetals. In …

Observation of Weyl nodes and Fermi arcs in tantalum phosphide

N Xu, HM Weng, BQ Lv, CE Matt, J Park, F Bisti… - Nature …, 2016 - nature.com
A Weyl semimetal possesses spin-polarized band-crossings, called Weyl nodes, connected
by topological surface arcs. The low-energy excitations near the crossing points behave the …

Helicity-protected ultrahigh mobility Weyl fermions in NbP

Z Wang, Y Zheng, Z Shen, Y Lu, H Fang, F Sheng… - Physical Review B, 2016 - APS
Noncentrosymmetric transition-metal monopnictides, including TaAs, TaP, NbAs, and NbP,
are emergent topological Weyl semimetals (WSMs) hosting exotic relativistic Weyl fermions …

Fermi surface interconnectivity and topology in Weyl fermion semimetals TaAs, TaP, NbAs, and NbP

CC Lee, SY Xu, SM Huang, DS Sanchez, I Belopolski… - Physical Review B, 2015 - APS
The family of binary compounds including TaAs, TaP, NbAs, and NbP was recently
discovered as the first realization of Weyl semimetals. In order to develop a comprehensive …

Topological semimetals with helicoid surface states

C Fang, L Lu, J Liu, L Fu - Nature Physics, 2016 - nature.com
We show that the surface dispersions of topological semimetals map to helicoidal structures,
where the bulk nodal points project to the branch points of the helicoids whose equal-energy …

Axial anomaly and longitudinal magnetoresistance of a generic three-dimensional metal

P Goswami, JH Pixley, S Das Sarma - Physical Review B, 2015 - APS
We show that the emergence of the axial anomaly is a universal phenomenon for a generic
three-dimensional metal in the presence of parallel electric (E) and magnetic (B) fields. In …