The impact of university focused technology transfer policies on regional innovation and entrepreneurship
Within the technology transfer field, there have been numerous empirical studies taking US
data and context that have examined the impact and effect of government legislation aimed …
data and context that have examined the impact and effect of government legislation aimed …
Patent filings versus articles published: A review of the literature in the context of Multicriteria Decision Aid
The objective of this work is to conduct a comparative study of the patents indexed in the
base Derwent Innovation Index and the articles published in the ISI Web of Science …
base Derwent Innovation Index and the articles published in the ISI Web of Science …
Der Einfluss institutioneller Rahmenbedingungen auf die Gründungsneigung von Wissenschaftlern an deutschen Hochschulen
T Bijedic, F Maass, C Schröder, A Werner - 2015 -
Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler an Hochschulen verfügen über ein hohes Maß
an innovativem Wissen, das die ideale Ausgangsbasis für eine Unternehmensgründung …
an innovativem Wissen, das die ideale Ausgangsbasis für eine Unternehmensgründung …
Regional innovation, entrepreneurship and the reform of the Professor's privilege in Germany
The purpose of this chapter is to investigate whether regional entrepreneurial and innovative
outcomes have been affected by this legislative change in intellectual property rights of …
outcomes have been affected by this legislative change in intellectual property rights of …
What do you offer?': Interlinkages of universities and high-technology companies in science and technology parks in Berlin and Seville
S Brinkhoff, L Suwala, E Kulke - Universities, Cities and Regions, 2012 -
This new approach links to the idea that knowledge develops and accumulates through slow
individual and collective learning processes, and grows through information, interaction and …
individual and collective learning processes, and grows through information, interaction and …
A comparative study of the survival of university spin-off companies (USOs) in the post-industrial UK West Midlands region
P Jelfs, HL Smith - Studies in Higher Education, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
This study compares the survival rates of USOs formed by universities in the UK's West
Midlands region between 1983 and 2013 with those from existing studies in the literature …
Midlands region between 1983 and 2013 with those from existing studies in the literature …
University professors and early stage research commercialisation: an empirical test of the knowledge corridor theory
In this study, we test the knowledge corridor theory as an explanation of university
professors' involvement in the early stages of research commercialisation. A statistical …
professors' involvement in the early stages of research commercialisation. A statistical …
[PDF][PDF] Academic entrepreneurs: attitudes, careers and growth intentions
N Hesse - 2014 -
Academic entrepreneurship is regarded to be a direct channel of knowledge and technology
transfer from university to industry. Companies started by academic entrepreneurs are …
transfer from university to industry. Companies started by academic entrepreneurs are …
İ Çorum Aktaş - 2023 -
In 2017, Turkey made significant revisions to its Industrial Property Law, specifically in
relation to university patents. This change was inspired by the famous Bayh-Dole Act of the …
relation to university patents. This change was inspired by the famous Bayh-Dole Act of the …
Bayh-Dole in Turkey: How the 2017 Legislation Change Affected University Patents in Turkey?
İÇ Aktaş - 2023 -
In 2017, Turkey made significant revisions to its Industrial Property Law, specifically in
relation to university patents. This change was inspired by the famous Bayh-Dole Act of the …
relation to university patents. This change was inspired by the famous Bayh-Dole Act of the …