The impact of ride-hailing on vehicle miles traveled

A Henao, WE Marshall - Transportation, 2019 - Springer
Ride-haling such as Uber and Lyft are changing the ways people travel. Despite widespread
claims that these services help reduce driving, there is little research on this topic. This …

[CARTE][B] Impacts of ridesourcing-lyft and uber-on transportation including VMT, mode replacement, parking, and travel behavior

A Henao - 2017 -
The transportation sector is currently experiencing a disruption with the introduction and
evolution of technology and transportation services such as bikesharing, carsharing, on …

The tale of two (very different) cities–Map** the urban transport oil vulnerability of Brisbane and Hong Kong

A Leung, M Burke, J Cui - Transportation Research Part D: Transport and …, 2018 - Elsevier
The volatility in oil prices has been a major concern to car dependent cities, in particular the
period of higher oil prices circa 2005–2015. Higher transport costs could exacerbate …

The role of household demographic factors in sha** transportation spending in Turkey

E Coruh, F Urak, A Bilgic, ST Yen - Environment, Development and …, 2022 - Springer
Factors at the family scale, for which dynamic decisions and proper investments need to be
made at the national level in curbing greenhouse gas emissions, are extremely important for …

Determining the Relationship Between Tract Level Share Race and Vulnerability to Fuel Prices in Los Angeles

JA Senne - 2022 -
The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between share race in Los
Angeles County and vulnerability to fuel prices using 2010 Census tract data. Previous oil …

Interpretacje koncepcji miasta ogrodu Ebenezera Howarda

A Czapiewska - Neuropsychiatria. Przegląd kliniczny, 2017 -
Abstrakt Koncepcja miasta ogrodu Ebenezera Howarda została zaprezentowana w roku
1902 i przez ponad 100 lat inspirowała przemiany w architekturze i urbanistyce …

[PDF][PDF] 10.1 Statement of contribution to co-authored published paper

A Leung - Evaluating Urban Transport Oil Vulnerability of Asia …, 2017 -
In Australia, the Gold Coast's introduction of light rail is proving to be a promising start and
this beachside tourist city is heading towards a more sustainable direction. However, the …