Control of quantum phenomena: past, present and future
Quantum control is concerned with active manipulation of physical and chemical processes
on the atomic and molecular scale. This work presents a perspective of progress in the field …
on the atomic and molecular scale. This work presents a perspective of progress in the field …
NMR techniques for quantum control and computation
Fifty years of developments in nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) have resulted in an
unrivaled degree of control of the dynamics of coupled two-level quantum systems. This …
unrivaled degree of control of the dynamics of coupled two-level quantum systems. This …
Harnessing disordered-ensemble quantum dynamics for machine learning
The quantum computer has an amazing potential of fast information processing. However,
the realization of a digital quantum computer is still a challenging problem requiring highly …
the realization of a digital quantum computer is still a challenging problem requiring highly …
Quantum computing with defects
Identifying and designing physical systems for use as qubits, the basic units of quantum
information, are critical steps in the development of a quantum computer. Among the …
information, are critical steps in the development of a quantum computer. Among the …
The role of relative entropy in quantum information theory
V Vedral - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2002 - APS
Quantum mechanics and information theory are among the most important scientific
discoveries of the last century. Although these two areas initially developed separately, it …
discoveries of the last century. Although these two areas initially developed separately, it …
Realization of quantum error correction
Scalable quantum computation and communication require error control to protect quantum
information against unavoidable noise. Quantum error correction, protects information stored …
information against unavoidable noise. Quantum error correction, protects information stored …
Information and computation: Classical and quantum aspects
A Galindo, MA Martin-Delgado - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2002 - APS
Quantum theory has found a new field of application in the realm of information and
computation during recent years. This paper reviews how quantum physics allows …
computation during recent years. This paper reviews how quantum physics allows …
Quantum coherent tunable coupling of superconducting qubits
To do large-scale quantum information processing, it is necessary to control the interactions
between individual qubits while retaining quantum coherence. To this end, superconducting …
between individual qubits while retaining quantum coherence. To this end, superconducting …
Modeling and control of quantum systems: An introduction
The scope of this work is to provide a self-contained introduction to a selection of basic
theoretical aspects in the modeling and control of quantum mechanical systems, as well as a …
theoretical aspects in the modeling and control of quantum mechanical systems, as well as a …
Symmetrized characterization of noisy quantum processes
A major goal of develo** high-precision control of many-body quantum systems is to
realize their potential as quantum computers. A substantial obstacle to this is the extreme …
realize their potential as quantum computers. A substantial obstacle to this is the extreme …