Incorporating non-stationarity from climate change into rainfall frequency and intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) curves
Abstract Intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) curves–sometimes also called precipitation
frequency estimates–are used to design urban drainage systems for stormwater control and …
frequency estimates–are used to design urban drainage systems for stormwater control and …
Update of intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) curves under climate change: a review
Land use and land cover changes, population growth, urban sprawl and climate change are
expected to augment the pressure on natural environment and on existing infrastructure. As …
expected to augment the pressure on natural environment and on existing infrastructure. As …
[PDF][PDF] Performance evaluation of reanalysis precipitation products in Egypt using fuzzy entropy time series similarity analysis
Selection of suitable gridded precipitation data is deemed for hydroclimatic assessment and
climate change impact analysis, especially in regions where long-term reliable precipitation …
climate change impact analysis, especially in regions where long-term reliable precipitation …
[HTML][HTML] A novel approach to a multi-model ensemble for climate change models: Perspectives on the representation of natural variability and historical and future …
This study developed a novel approach that integrated climate model selection and multi-
model ensemble (MME) construction to effectively represent model uncertainties and …
model ensemble (MME) construction to effectively represent model uncertainties and …
Changing pattern of intensity–duration–frequency relationship of precipitation due to climate change
Intensification of hydrologic cycle, and consequence rise of intense short-term precipitation,
are considered as the manifestations of climate change. This may lead to an alteration in …
are considered as the manifestations of climate change. This may lead to an alteration in …
A vine copula‐based ensemble projection of precipitation intensity–duration–frequency curves at sub‐daily to multi‐day time scales
Precipitation intensity–duration–frequency (IDF) curves play a crucial role in the design and
planning of urban infrastructure to reduce the risk of urban flooding and rainfall‐triggered …
planning of urban infrastructure to reduce the risk of urban flooding and rainfall‐triggered …
Evaluating intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) curves of satellite-based precipitation datasets in Peninsular Malaysia
In recent years the use of remotely sensed precipitation products in hydrological studies has
become increasingly common. The capability of the products in producing rainfall intensity …
become increasingly common. The capability of the products in producing rainfall intensity …
A Bayesian Kriging model applied for spatial downscaling of daily rainfall from GCMs
Daily rainfall simulated by General Circulation Models (GCMs) are usually provided on
coarse grids and need some adjustment (ie, bias correction) to meet historical statistics …
coarse grids and need some adjustment (ie, bias correction) to meet historical statistics …
Derivation of nonstationary rainfall intensity-duration-frequency curves considering the impacts of climate change and urbanization
Urban infrastructure traditionally relies on stationary rainfall intensity-duration-frequency
(IDF) curves. However, this assumption is challenged by climate change and urbanization …
(IDF) curves. However, this assumption is challenged by climate change and urbanization …
Climate changes impact on stormwater infrastructure design in Tucson Arizona
Abstract The stationary-based Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) curves for rainfall provided
by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Atlas 14 (NA14) are the primary …
by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Atlas 14 (NA14) are the primary …