RIMOC, a feature to discriminate unstructured motions: Application to violence detection for video-surveillance
In video-surveillance, violent event detection is of utmost interest. Although action
recognition has been well studied in computer vision, literature for violence detection in …
recognition has been well studied in computer vision, literature for violence detection in …
An audio-visual dataset of human–human interactions in stressful situations
Stressful situations are likely to occur at human operated service desks, as well as at human–
computer interfaces used in public domain. Automatic surveillance can help notifying when …
computer interfaces used in public domain. Automatic surveillance can help notifying when …
Detecting aggression in voice using inverse filtered speech features
In social interactions, Aggression is a behavior towards another individual with the motive of
causing physical or psychological damage. In humans, anger or disgust due to obstructs in …
causing physical or psychological damage. In humans, anger or disgust due to obstructs in …
Анализ информационного и математического обеспечения для распознавания аффективных состояний человека
АА Двойникова, МВ Маркитантов… - Информатика и …, 2022 - mathnet.ru
В статье представлен аналитический обзор исследований в области аффективных
вычислений. Это направление является составляющей искусственного интеллекта, и …
вычислений. Это направление является составляющей искусственного интеллекта, и …
An insight into multimodal databases for social signal processing: acquisition, efforts, and directions
A Ěerekoviæ - Artificial intelligence review, 2014 - Springer
The importance of context-aware computing in understanding social signals gave a rise to a
new emerging domain, called social signal processing (SSP). SSP depends heavily on the …
new emerging domain, called social signal processing (SSP). SSP depends heavily on the …
Learning the fusion of audio and video aggression assessment by meta-information from human annotations
The focus of this paper is finding a method to predict aggression using a multimodal system,
given multiple unimodal features. The mechanism underlying multimodal sensor fusion is …
given multiple unimodal features. The mechanism underlying multimodal sensor fusion is …
[PDF][PDF] Surveillance angels
LJM Rothkrantz - Neural network world, 2014 - nnw.cz
The use of sensor networks has been proposed for military surveillance and environmental
monitoring applications. Those systems are composed of a heterogeneous set of sensors to …
monitoring applications. Those systems are composed of a heterogeneous set of sensors to …
Analysis of infoware and software for human affective states recognition
AA Dvoynikova, MV Markitantov… - Informatics and …, 2022 - journals.rcsi.science
The article presents an analytical review of research in the affective computing field. This
research direction is a component of artificial intelligence, and it studies methods, algorithms …
research direction is a component of artificial intelligence, and it studies methods, algorithms …
Audiovisual annotation procedure for multi-view field recordings
Audio and video parts of an audiovisual document interact to produce an audiovisual, or
multi-modal, perception. Yet, automatic analysis on these documents are usually based on …
multi-modal, perception. Yet, automatic analysis on these documents are usually based on …
Methods of multimodal data fusion and forming latent representation in the human aggression recognition task
M Uzdiaev - 2020 IEEE 10th International Conference on …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In recent years, the number of users of socio-cyber-physical systems, smart spaces, and the
Internet of things systems has increased. This fact actualizes the problem of automatic …
Internet of things systems has increased. This fact actualizes the problem of automatic …