Appinite suites and their genetic relationship with coeval voluminous granitoid batholiths

JB Murphy - International Geology Review, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
Appinite complexes preserve evidence of mantle processes that produce voluminous
granitoid batholiths. These plutonic complexes range from ultramafic to felsic in composition …

Calcium isotopes in high-temperature terrestrial processes

MA Antonelli, JI Simon - Chemical Geology, 2020 - Elsevier
This chapter explores the growing body of stable and radiogenic Ca isotope measurements
in high temperature terrestrial materials and covers the emerging applications for Ca isotope …

Constraints on the source and petrogenesis of early Ediacaran shoshonitic mafic magmatism and high-K calc-alkaline granitoids in the Sergipano Orogenic System …

FS Pereira, JM Lafon, ML da Silva Rosa… - Precambrian …, 2024 - Elsevier
Abstract The early Ediacaran Capela pluton (ca. 630 Ma) is intruded into the
metasedimentary succession of the Sergipano Orogenic System along the oriental segment …

Evidence for polybaric fractional crystallization in a continental arc: Hidden Lakes mafic complex, Sierra Nevada batholith, California

MJ Lewis, CE Bucholz, OE Jagoutz - Contributions to Mineralogy and …, 2021 - Springer
Although the voluminous granitoids that constitute the upper crust of the Sierra Nevada
batholith (California) have been investigated in detail, comparatively few studies focus on …

Ca isotopes record rapid crystal growth in volcanic and subvolcanic systems

MA Antonelli, T Mittal, A McCarthy, B Tripoli… - Proceedings of the …, 2019 -
Kinetic calcium isotope effects can be used as growth-rate proxies for volcanic and
subvolcanic minerals. Here, we analyze Ca isotopic compositions in experimental and …

Logan Medallist 7. Appinite complexes, granitoid batholiths and crustal growth: a conceptual model

JB Murphy, WJ Collins, DB Archibald - Geoscience Canada, 2022 -
Appinite bodies are a suite of plutonic rocks, ranging from ultramafic to felsic in composition,
that are characterized by idiomorphic hornblende as the dominant mafic mineral in all …

The Triassic Duobaoshan appinite-granite suite, NE China: implications for a water-fluxed lithospheric mantle and an extensional setting related to the subduction of …

C Zhao, KZ Qin, GX Song, GM Li, JW Mao - Lithos, 2021 - Elsevier
The appinite suite of rocks offers a unique opportunity to reveal the properties of subarc
lithospheric mantle, indicate essential crust-mantle interactions, and ascertain critical …

[HTML][HTML] The effect of variations in cooling rates on mineral compositions in mid-ocean ridge basalts

A McCarthy, C Chelle-Michou, JD Blundy, MJ Dorais… - Chemical geology, 2023 - Elsevier
We present textural and chemical analyses of minerals from a 150 m thick sequence of
submarine mid-ocean ridge basalts from the South China Sea in order to showcase the …

Effects of superheating magnitude on olivine growth

EC First, TC Leonhardi, JE Hammer - Contributions to Mineralogy and …, 2020 - Springer
Magmatic superheating is a condition with relevance to natural systems as well as
experimental studies of crystallization kinetics. Magmas on Earth and other planetary bodies …

[HTML][HTML] Taking the pulse of volcanic eruptions using plagioclase glomerocrysts

A McCarthy, C Chelle-Michou, JD Blundy… - Earth and Planetary …, 2020 - Elsevier
Crystallization timescales in subvolcanic systems and the consequences of interaction
between ascending magmas and gases remain largely unconstrained, as do links between …