Cellular auxetic structures for mechanical metamaterials: A review
Recent advances in lithography technology and the spread of 3D printers allow us a facile
fabrication of special materials with complicated microstructures. The materials are called …
fabrication of special materials with complicated microstructures. The materials are called …
A model of hardness and fracture toughness of solids
Hardness and fracture toughness are some of the most important mechanical properties.
Here, we propose a simple model that uses only the elastic properties to calculate the …
Here, we propose a simple model that uses only the elastic properties to calculate the …
[HTML][HTML] Elastic properties of 2D auxetic honeycomb structures-a review
The research field of auxetics, materials or structures exhibiting a negative Poisson's ratio,
has received attention because of the unusually advantageous material properties that can …
has received attention because of the unusually advantageous material properties that can …
Auxetic mechanical metamaterials: from soft to stiff
Auxetic mechanical metamaterials are artificially architected materials that possess negative
Poisson's ratio, demonstrating transversal contracting deformation under external vertical …
Poisson's ratio, demonstrating transversal contracting deformation under external vertical …
MechElastic: A Python library for analysis of mechanical and elastic properties of bulk and 2D materials
Abstract The MechElastic Python package evaluates the mechanical and elastic properties
of bulk and 2D materials using the elastic coefficient matrix (C ij) obtained from any ab-initio …
of bulk and 2D materials using the elastic coefficient matrix (C ij) obtained from any ab-initio …
Three-dimensional metamaterials exhibiting extreme isotropy and negative Poisson's ratio
This research will develop a new set of mechanical metamaterials with simultaneous ideal
elastic isotropy and extreme negative Poisson's ratio through a topology optimization …
elastic isotropy and extreme negative Poisson's ratio through a topology optimization …
Novel auxetic structures with enhanced mechanical properties
Normally, enhancement of mechanical properties of auxetic cellular materials is at the
expense of its negative Poisson's ratio. Here, two novel auxetic cellular structures are …
expense of its negative Poisson's ratio. Here, two novel auxetic cellular structures are …
Development of materials and structures for shielding applications against Blast and Ballistic impact: A Detailed Review
The development of armaments has brought forth the challenges of protection systems from
gunfire and the like, while the advances in high energy explosives and availability, run the …
gunfire and the like, while the advances in high energy explosives and availability, run the …