Exploring the impact of COVID-19 on mental health outcomes in children and adolescents: a systematic review

F Nearchou, C Flinn, R Niland… - International journal of …, 2020 - mdpi.com
The psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has been widely discussed during the
past few months, with scholars expressing concern about its potential debilitating …

Adolescent development and risk for the onset of social-emotional disorders: A review and conceptual model

RM Rapee, EL Oar, CJ Johnco, MK Forbes… - Behaviour research and …, 2019 - Elsevier
The adolescent developmental stage appears to be a sensitive period for the onset of
several particular forms of mental disorder that are characterised by heightened emotionality …

[PDF][PDF] Psykiske lidelser i Norge: Et folkehelseperspektiv

A Mykletun, AK Knudsen, KS Mathiesen - 2009 - fhi.brage.unit.no
Det er med stor glede og stolthet jeg presenterer rapporten” Psykiske lidelser i Norge: Et
folkehelseperspektiv”. Rapporten er en del av rapporteringen til Helse-og …

Puberty initiates cascading relationships between neurodevelopmental, social, and internalizing processes across adolescence

JH Pfeifer, NB Allen - Biological psychiatry, 2021 - Elsevier
Adolescence is a period of dramatic developmental transitions—from puberty-related
changes in hormones, bodies, and brains to an increasingly complex social world. The …

The future of sex and gender in psychology: Five challenges to the gender binary.

JS Hyde, RS Bigler, D Joel, CC Tate… - American …, 2019 - psycnet.apa.org
The view that humans comprise only two types of beings, women and men, a framework that
is sometimes referred to as the “gender binary,” played a profound role in sha** the …

Co**, emotion regulation, and psychopathology in childhood and adolescence: A meta-analysis and narrative review.

BE Compas, SS Jaser, AH Bettis, KH Watson… - Psychological …, 2017 - psycnet.apa.org
In this meta-analytic and narrative review, we examine several overarching issues related to
the study of co**, emotion regulation, and internalizing and externalizing symptoms of …

Gender differences in depression in representative national samples: Meta-analyses of diagnoses and symptoms.

RH Salk, JS Hyde, LY Abramson - Psychological bulletin, 2017 - psycnet.apa.org
In 2 meta-analyses on gender differences in depression in nationally representative
samples, we advance previous work by including studies of depression diagnoses and …

Social Safety Theory: Conceptual foundation, underlying mechanisms, and future directions

GM Slavich, LG Roos, S Mengelkoch… - Health psychology …, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
Classic theories of stress and health are largely based on assumptions regarding how
different psychosocial stressors influence biological processes that, in turn, affect human …

Adult mental health outcomes of adolescent depression: A systematic review

D Johnson, G Dupuis, J Piche… - Depression and …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Background Adolescent depression may increase risk for poor mental health outcomes in
adulthood. The objective of this study was to systematically review the literature on the …

Association between social media use and depression among US young adults

LY Lin, JE Sidani, A Shensa, A Radovic… - Depression and …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
Background Social media (SM) use is increasing among US young adults, and its
association with mental well‐being remains unclear. This study assessed the association …