Probing factors influencing students' graph comprehension regarding four operations in kinematics graphs
IB Phage, M Lemmer, M Hitge - African Journal of Research in …, 2017 -
Students' graph comprehension may be affected by the background of the students who are
the readers or interpreters of the graph, their knowledge of the context in which the graph is …
the readers or interpreters of the graph, their knowledge of the context in which the graph is …
Model conceptions in science education research: features and trends
J Machado, BLP Fernandes - Ciência & Educação (Bauru), 2021 - SciELO Brasil
Despite the ubiquity of models in science education, there are several different conceptions
about their nature in the scientific community. We sought to investigate understandings …
about their nature in the scientific community. We sought to investigate understandings …
The multi-representational ability profile of physics students in the interactive multimedia assisted problem-based learning during the Covid-19 pandemic
This study aims to analyze the multi-representation ability profile of physics students in the
interactive multimedia assisted problem-based learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. This …
interactive multimedia assisted problem-based learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. This …
Develo** a graphical tool for students to understand air resistance and free fall: when heavier objects do fall faster
A Ferreira, AS Seyffert, M Lemmer - Physics Education, 2017 -
Many students find it difficult to apply certain physics concepts to their daily lives. This is
especially true when they perceive a principle taught in physics class as being in conflict …
especially true when they perceive a principle taught in physics class as being in conflict …
Abstract Representation is an inseparable part of science, and research shows that the
representation ability of preservice physics teachers was still inadequate. This study …
representation ability of preservice physics teachers was still inadequate. This study …
[HTML][HTML] How do physics teacher candidates substantiate their knowledge? An analytical framework for examining the epistemic dimensions of content knowledge in …
Supporting teacher candidates' learning of coherent and well-ordered content knowledge is
one of the most important educational aims in subject teacher education. To reach this aim …
one of the most important educational aims in subject teacher education. To reach this aim …
Didaktinen fysiikka opettajankoulutusta suuntaamassa
I Koponen, M Nousiainen - … : International Journal on …, 2015 -
Helsingin yliopiston Fysiikan laitoksella annettava aineenopettajan koulutus keskittyy
opettajien aineenhallinan syventämiseen ja se perustuu didaktisen fysiikan tutkimukseen …
opettajien aineenhallinan syventämiseen ja se perustuu didaktisen fysiikan tutkimukseen …
Реализация общих дидактических принципов обучения студентов физике посредством демонстрационного эксперимента с применением документ-камеры
НБ Пушкарева, ОА Чикова - Педагогическое образование в …, 2016 -
Проведен анализ дидактических возможностей документ-камеры при обучении
студентов университета физике. Документ-камера это устройство, предназначенное …
студентов университета физике. Документ-камера это устройство, предназначенное …
Using design-based research to analyse the development of an inquiry-based approach for teaching direct current electricity to pre-service teachers
N Edwards - 2016 -
This study uses a design-based research (DBR) approach to develop pre-service science
teachers'(PSSTs) conceptual understanding in the domain of direct current electricity. A …
teachers'(PSSTs) conceptual understanding in the domain of direct current electricity. A …
Combining physics and mathematics learning: discovering the latitude in pre-service subject teacher education
T Mäntylä, J Poranen - Mathematics in Physics Education, 2019 - Springer
Current national/Finnish curriculum encourages crossing the boundaries among different
school subjects. This sets interdisciplinary requirements for pre-service teacher education …
school subjects. This sets interdisciplinary requirements for pre-service teacher education …