[KNYGA][B] Domination games played on graphs

B Brešar, MA Henning, S Klavžar, DF Rall - 2021 - Springer
At its most basic level, this book is about dominating sets in graphs. A dominating set of a
graph G is a subset D of vertices having the property that each vertex of G is in D or is …

Connected grundy hop dominating sequences in graphs

J Hassan, SR Canoy Jr - European Journal of Pure and Applied …, 2023 - ejpam.com
In this paper, we introduce and do an initial investigation of a variant of Grundy hop
domination in a graph called the connected Grundy hop domination. We show that the …

Grundy dominating and grundy hop dominating sequences in graphs: Relationships and some structural properties

J Hassan, SR Canoy Jr - European Journal of Pure and Applied …, 2023 - ejpam.com
In this paper, we revisit the concepts of Grundy domination and Grundy hop domination in
graphs and give some realization results involving these parameters. We show that the …

Grundy hop domination in graphs

J Hassan, S Canoy Jr - European Journal of Pure and Applied …, 2022 - ejpam.com
Let G be an undirected graph with vertex and edge sets V (G) and E (G), respectively. Let
S=(v1, v2,···, vk) be a sequence of distinct vertices of G and let Sˆ={v1, v2,..., vk}. Then S is a …

On the zero forcing number and spectral radius of graphs

W Zhang, J Wang, W Wang, S Ji - The Electronic Journal of …, 2022 - combinatorics.org
In this paper, we determine the graphs (respectively, trees) with maximum spectral radius
among all graphs (respectively, trees) with zero forcing number at most $ k $. As an …

Grundy domination and zero forcing in Kneser graphs

B Bresar, T Kos, PD Torres - 2019 - ri.conicet.gov.ar
In this paper, we continue the investigation of different types of (Grundy) dominating
sequences. We consider four different types of Grundy domination numbers and the related …

[HTML][HTML] A unified framework for the Expander Mixing Lemma for irregular graphs and its applications

A Abiad, S Zeijlemaker - Linear Algebra and its Applications, 2024 - Elsevier
A unified framework for the Expander Mixing Lemma for irregular graphs using adjacency
eigenvalues is presented, as well as two new versions of it. While the existing Expander …

Zero forcing in claw-free cubic graphs

R Davila, MA Henning - Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences …, 2020 - Springer
In this paper, we study a dynamic coloring of the vertices of a graph G that starts with an
initial subset S of colored vertices, with all remaining vertices being uncolored. At each …

[HTML][HTML] Zero forcing number, Grundy domination number, and their variants

JCH Lin - Linear Algebra and its Applications, 2019 - Elsevier
This paper presents strong connections between four variants of the zero forcing number
and four variants of the Grundy domination number. These connections bridge the …

The variety of domination games

B Brešar, C Bujtás, T Gologranc, S Klavžar… - Aequationes …, 2019 - Springer
Domination game (Brešar et al. in SIAM J Discrete Math 24: 979–991, 2010) and total
domination game (Henning et al. in Graphs Comb 31: 1453–1462 (2015) are by now well …