Develo** an interactive PBL environment via persuasive gamify elements: A sco** review
The application of gamified elements to PBL to promote student engagement has not been
systematically described. Hence, we conducted a review based on Arksey and O'Malley's …
systematically described. Hence, we conducted a review based on Arksey and O'Malley's …
Skill acquisition of safe medication administration through realistic simulation: an integrative review
Objective: to investigate evidence that indicates the contribution of realistic high, medium or
low fidelity simulation to acquire knowledge, skills and attitudes in safe medication …
low fidelity simulation to acquire knowledge, skills and attitudes in safe medication …
Maintaining clinical training continuity during COVID-19 pandemic: Nursing students' perceptions about simulation-based learning
Background: Simulation-based learning (SBL) in nursing education is an innovative
pedagogical approach that has significantly improved nursing education. Adopting SBL …
pedagogical approach that has significantly improved nursing education. Adopting SBL …
The lived experiences of intensive care nursing students exposed to a new model of high-fidelity simulation training: a phenomenological study
Background In postgraduate intensive care nursing courses, high-fidelity simulation is useful
to prepare students to guarantee safe and quality care of critically ill patients. Surprisingly …
to prepare students to guarantee safe and quality care of critically ill patients. Surprisingly …
Simulation exercises and after action reviews–analysis of outputs during 2016–2019 to strengthen global health emergency preparedness and response
Abstract Background Under the International Health Regulations (2005)[IHR (2005)]
Monitoring and Evaluation Framework, after action reviews (AAR) and simulation exercises …
Monitoring and Evaluation Framework, after action reviews (AAR) and simulation exercises …
Contribuições da simulação clínica versus prática convencional em laboratório de enfermagem na primeira experiência clínica
Objetivo Comparar a percepção de estudantes de enfermagem e as contribuições do
ensino com simulação clínica ou aula prática convencional em laboratório de habilidades …
ensino com simulação clínica ou aula prática convencional em laboratório de habilidades …
Training of caregivers of children with special healthcare needs: simulation contributions
Objective: to know the contributions of simulation regarding the training of caregivers of
children with special healthcare needs, in the preparation for hospital discharge. Method …
children with special healthcare needs, in the preparation for hospital discharge. Method …
Artificial intelligence in the analysis of emotions of nursing students undergoing clinical simulation
Objective: to assess nursing students' emotions undergoing maternal-child clinical
simulation. Methods: an observational study, carried out between June and July 2019. The …
simulation. Methods: an observational study, carried out between June and July 2019. The …
'The mannequin is more lifelike': The significance of fidelity for students' learning in simulation-based training in the social-and healthcare programmes
V Aarkrog - Nordic Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 2019 - njvet.ep.liu.se
The article concerns fidelity in relation to using mannequins in simulation-based training in
social-and healthcare education. The article addresses two issues. What influences fidelity …
social-and healthcare education. The article addresses two issues. What influences fidelity …
Avaliação do processo ensino e aprendizagem no ambiente de simulação realística na graduação em enfermagem
FL Rodrigues, LM de Moura… - Enfermagem em …, 2019 - revista.cofen.gov.br
Objetivo: Avaliar o processo ensino-aprendizagem no ambiente de simulação realística na
percepção de estudantes de graduação em enfermagem. Método: Estudo transversal …
percepção de estudantes de graduação em enfermagem. Método: Estudo transversal …