Testing restful apis: A survey
In industry, RESTful APIs are widely used to build modern Cloud Applications. Testing them
is challenging, because not only do they rely on network communications, but also they deal …
is challenging, because not only do they rely on network communications, but also they deal …
[HTML][HTML] RESTful API testing methodologies: Rationale, challenges, and solution directions
Service-oriented architecture has evolved to be the backbone for large-scale integration
between different applications and platforms. This concept has led to today's reality of cloud …
between different applications and platforms. This concept has led to today's reality of cloud …
Automated test generation for rest apis: No time to rest yet
Modern web services routinely provide REST APIs for clients to access their functionality.
These APIs present unique challenges and opportunities for automated testing, driving the …
These APIs present unique challenges and opportunities for automated testing, driving the …
Combinatorial testing of restful apis
This paper presents RestCT, a systematic and fully automatic approach that adopts
Combinatorial Testing (CT) to test RESTful APIs. RestCT is systematic in that it covers and …
Combinatorial Testing (CT) to test RESTful APIs. RestCT is systematic in that it covers and …
RESTest: automated black-box testing of RESTful web APIs
Testing RESTful APIs thoroughly is critical due to their key role in software integration.
Existing tools for the automated generation of test cases in this domain have shown great …
Existing tools for the automated generation of test cases in this domain have shown great …
RESTest: Black-box constraint-based testing of RESTful web APIs
Automated testing approaches for RESTful web APIs typically follow a black-box strategy,
where test cases are derived from the API specification. These techniques show promising …
where test cases are derived from the API specification. These techniques show promising …
Automated black‐box testing of nominal and error scenarios in RESTful APIs
Abstract RESTful APIs (or REST APIs for short) represent a mainstream approach to design
and develop web APIs using the REpresentational State Transfer architectural style. Black …
and develop web APIs using the REpresentational State Transfer architectural style. Black …
ARTE: Automated generation of realistic test inputs for web APIs
Automated test case generation for web APIs is a thriving research topic, where test cases
are frequently derived from the API specification. However, this process is only partially …
are frequently derived from the API specification. However, this process is only partially …
Online testing of RESTful APIs: Promises and challenges
Online testing of web APIs—testing APIs in production—is gaining traction in industry.
Platforms such as RapidAPI and Sauce Labs provide online testing and monitoring services …
Platforms such as RapidAPI and Sauce Labs provide online testing and monitoring services …
Automated black-and white-box testing of restful apis with evomaster
A Arcuri - IEEE Software, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
We apply EvoMaster to eight representational state transfer application programming
interfaces; show how the tool can be used to automatically generate test cases that can find …
interfaces; show how the tool can be used to automatically generate test cases that can find …