A review on membrane finite elements with drilling degree of freedom

D Boutagouga - Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 2021 - Springer
Membrane finite elements have gained increasing importance since the early years of the
finite elements method due to their convenience to a wide range of plane and 3D shell …

A 4-node hybrid stress-function (HS-F) plane element with drilling degrees of freedom less sensitive to severe mesh distortions

S Cen, MJ Zhou, XR Fu - Computers & Structures, 2011 - Elsevier
A simple but robust 4-node hybrid stress-function (HS-F) membrane element with drilling
degrees of freedom is developed based on the principle of minimum complementary energy …

Quadrilateral membrane finite elements with rotational DOFs for the analysis of geometrically linear and nonlinear plane problems

W Zouari, F Hammadi, R Ayad - Computers & Structures, 2016 - Elsevier
In this paper, we present the formulations of two four-node quadrilateral membrane finite
elements with rotational degrees of freedom to analyze geometric linear and nonlinear …

4‐node unsymmetric quadrilateral membrane element with drilling DOFs insensitive to severe mesh‐distortion

Y Shang, W Ouyang - International Journal for Numerical …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
The unsymmetric finite element method is a promising technique to produce distortion‐
immune finite elements. In this work, a simple but robust 4‐node 12‐DOF unsymmetric …

Nonlinear thermomechanical analysis of structures using OpenSees

J Jiang - 2013 - era.ed.ac.uk
The behaviour of heated structures is strongly governed by thermal induced deformation
and degradation of material properties. This thesis presents an augmentation of the software …

A high-performance four-node flat shell element with drilling degrees of freedom

H Sangtarash, HG Arab, MR Sohrabi… - Engineering with …, 2021 - Springer
This paper presents a new four-node quadrilateral flat shell element, named QFSUQ, for
analysis of shell structures. The element is formed by assemblage of a new membrane …

Eight‐node membrane element with drilling degrees of freedom for analysis of in‐plane stiffness of thick floor plates

H Zhang, JS Kuang - International journal for numerical …, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
The development of eight‐node arbitrary quadrilateral membrane elements with drilling
degrees of freedom is presented using the compatible displacement interpolation within the …

A numerical study of the effect of penalty parameters for membrane elements with independent rotation fields and penalized equilibrium

CS Long, S Geyer, AA Groenwold - Finite elements in analysis and design, 2006 - Elsevier
We offer a numerical investigation into the effect of penalty parameters in elements with
drilling degrees of freedom and penalized equilibrium, for which the stress tensor σ is not a …

Eléments finis membranaires et flexionnels à champ de déformation pour l'analyse des structures

A BELOUNAR - 2019 - thesis.univ-biskra.dz
Ce travail concerne la formulation et l'évaluation d'éléments finis de type membrane, plaque
en flexion avec CT et coque pour l'analyse des structures. Ces éléments sont basés sur …

Four‐Node Generalized Conforming Membrane Elements with Drilling DOFs Using Quadrilateral Area Coordinate Methods

XM Chen, S Cen, JY Sun, YG Li - Mathematical Problems in …, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
Two 4‐node generalized conforming quadrilateral membrane elements with drilling DOF,
named QAC4θ and QAC4θM, were successfully developed. Two kinds of quadrilateral area …