[PDF][PDF] Digital Maturity in Traditional industries-an Exploratory Analysis.

G Remane, A Hanelt, F Wiesboeck, LM Kolbe - ECIS, 2017 - researchgate.net
The diffusion of new digital technologies renders digital transformation relevant for nearly
every industry. Therefore, the maturity of firms in mastering this fundamental organizational …

Maturity models development in is research: a literature review

LA Lasrado, R Vatrapu, KN Andersen - 2015 - aisel.aisnet.org
Maturity models are widespread in IS research and in particular, IT practitioner communities.
However, theoretically sound, methodologically rigorous and empirically validated maturity …

Stages in digital business transformation: Results of an empirical maturity study

S Berghaus, A Back - 2016 - aisel.aisnet.org
Managers and decision makers need to transform their organizational routines and
structures to meet the challenges of the digital age. Even though organizational change is by …

[HTML][HTML] Technology adoption and digital maturity in the conformity assessment industry: Empirical evidence from an international study

L Ladu, C Koch, PA Ashari, K Blind, P Castka - Technology in Society, 2024 - Elsevier
Technological innovation and digitalization are transforming industries and organizations
worldwide. Digital Maturity Models often serve as a reference point to monitor the …

Towards an energy management maturity model

P Antunes, P Carreira, MM da Silva - Energy policy, 2014 - Elsevier
Energy management is becoming a priority as organizations strive to reduce energy costs,
conform to regulatory requirements, and improve their corporate image. Despite the upsurge …

Digitalisierung: Definition und Reife: Quantitative Bewertung der digitalen Reife

T Wolf, JH Strohschen - Informatik-Spektrum, 2018 - Springer
Zusammenfassung,, Digitalisierung “–Das Wort dominiert aktuell jede Agenda von der
Politik über die Wirtschaft bis hin zur Gesellschaft. Zudem existieren zahlreiche, oft als …

An approach based on bayesian network for improving project management maturity: An application to reduce cost overrun risks in engineering projects

F Sanchez, E Bonjour, JP Micaelli, D Monticolo - Computers in Industry, 2020 - Elsevier
The project management field has the imperative to increase the success probability of
projects. Experts have developed several Project Management Maturity (PMM) models to …

Kajian Empiris Pada Transformasi Bisnis Digital

NI Putri, Y Herdiana, Y Suharya… - … Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis …, 2021 - jurnal.plb.ac.id
Transformasi bisnis digital adalah perubahan organisasi melalui penggunaan teknologi
digital untuk meningkatkan kinerja organisasi. Saat ini manajer dan pimpinan perusahaan …

Measuring innovative capability maturity model of trucking companies in Indonesia

K Lookman, N Pujawan, R Nadlifatin - Cogent Business & …, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
Trucking companies are important part of supply chains, as they connect most of product
movements. While a lot of studies have been done to assess supply chain maturity level …

A review of energy management assessment models for industrial energy efficiency

ASMM Hasan, A Trianni - Energies, 2020 - mdpi.com
The necessity to ensure energy efficiency in the industries is of significant importance to
attain reduction of energy consumption and greenhouse gases emissions. Energy …