[HTML][HTML] Sustainable use of legume residues: effect on nutritive value and ensiling characteristics of maize straw silage
O Hawu, KE Ravhuhali, HK Mokoboki, CK Lebopa… - Sustainability, 2022 - mdpi.com
The objective of this study was to investigate the nutritive value, in vitro dry matter
degradability (IVDMD), and ensiling characteristics of legume foliage–maize straw silages …
degradability (IVDMD), and ensiling characteristics of legume foliage–maize straw silages …
[KNYGA][B] Goat Science-From Kee** to Precision Production: From Kee** to Precision Production
S Kukovics - 2023 - books.google.com
The goat is one of the earliest domesticated species and has great significance for the world
economy. This book provides a comprehensive overview of goat husbandry. It includes …
economy. This book provides a comprehensive overview of goat husbandry. It includes …
[HTML][HTML] Feeding Forage Cowpea: Goats Performed Well with High Nutrient Digestibility and Nitrogen Retention
This chapter deals with the utilization and performance of Red Sokoto goats fed varieties of
forage cowpea (Vigna unguiculata). It contains information for use right from kee** to …
forage cowpea (Vigna unguiculata). It contains information for use right from kee** to …
Growth performance and blood profile of weaner rabbits fed different legume haulms supplemented with concentrate
A study was conducted to evaluate the effect different forage haulms supplemented with
concentrate on the growth performance, nutrient digestibility and blood profile of weaner …
concentrate on the growth performance, nutrient digestibility and blood profile of weaner …
Proximate composition and response of growing rabbits fed sundried yam-cassava peel composite meal as replacement for maize
AA Gbenge, FG Kaankuka, CD Tuleun - Nigerian Journal of Animal …, 2021 - ajol.info
The study was carried out to investigate the effect of replacing maize with sun-dried yam-
cassava peel meal on growth performance of growing rabbits in 84-days (12 weeks) feeding …
cassava peel meal on growth performance of growing rabbits in 84-days (12 weeks) feeding …
Effects of replacing maize offal with high levels of yam peels on the performance and nutrient digestibility of red Sokoto bucks
BA Kume, JA Ayoade, J Oloche - Tropical Animal Health and Production, 2019 - Springer
Sixteen red Sokoto (RS) bucks having an average weight of 9.11 kg and aged 5–8 months
were used to determine the performance and digestibility of diets containing graded levels of …
were used to determine the performance and digestibility of diets containing graded levels of …
Contextual match-making in waste biomaterials management for peri-urban agriculture
J Jjagwe - Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal, 2020 - cigrjournal.org
Peri-urban agriculture is constrained by inadequate space and insufficient inputs. The
objective of this paper was to estimate volumes of peri-urban agriculture waste materials …
objective of this paper was to estimate volumes of peri-urban agriculture waste materials …
[PDF][PDF] Varietal variation in the nutritive value of some crop residues fed to small ruminants.
AI Ukanwoko, SN Samuel, OS George - 2020 - ijagbio.com
This study was undertaken to evaluate the varietal variation in the nutrient composition of
some varieties of sweet potato and yam peels. Samples of these varieties were collected …
some varieties of sweet potato and yam peels. Samples of these varieties were collected …
[PDF][PDF] Quality properties of corn snacks enriched with red corncobs powder
This work was carried out for two main targets, the first one is to study the possibility of
preparing high-quality snacks made of corn grits and supplemented with different levels of …
preparing high-quality snacks made of corn grits and supplemented with different levels of …
Nutrient content assessment of different varieties of soybean forage as supplemental animal feed in semi-arid Nigeria
Forages from seven different varieties of soybean were collected from the Research farm of
the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Minjibir, Kano Station to study the …
the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Minjibir, Kano Station to study the …