Wind of change: new insights on the ecology and evolution of pollination and mating in wind-pollinated plants

J Friedman, SCH Barrett - Annals of botany, 2009 -
Background The rich literature that characterizes the field of pollination biology has focused
largely on animal-pollinated plants. At least 10% of angiosperms are wind pollinated, and …

Intended and unintended consequences of genetically modified crops–myth, fact and/or manageable outcomes?

JR Caradus - New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
Food and feed has been produced from genetically modified (GM) crops for 25 years. It is
timely to review whether this technology has globally delivered the expected benefits and …

Resource depletion, pollen coupling, and the ecology of mast seeding

EE Crone, JM Rapp - Annals of the New York Academy of …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Masting, the highly variable and synchronous production of seeds across a population of
perennial plants, is an ecologically important, but still poorly understood, phenomenon …

Pollen limitation causes an Allee effect in a wind-pollinated invasive grass (Spartina alterniflora)

HG Davis, CM Taylor, JG Lambrinos… - Proceedings of the …, 2004 -
It is usually assumed that pollen availability does not limit reproduction in wind-pollinated
plants. Little evidence either supporting or contradicting this assumption exists, despite the …

Gene flow from cultivated rice to the wild species Oryza rufipogon under experimental field conditions

ZP Song, BR Lu, YG Zhu, JK Chen - New Phytologist, 2003 - Wiley Online Library
Here, the gene flow from a cultivated rice variety (Minghui‐63) to common wild rice (Oryza
rufipogon) was investigated to assess the biosafety risk associated with the environmental …

In-field movement of glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) and its impact on cotton lint yield: evidence supporting a zero-threshold strategy

JK Norsworthy, G Griffith, T Griffin… - Weed Science, 2014 -
This research was aimed at understanding how far and how fast glyphosate-resistant (GR)
Palmer amaranth will spread in cotton and the consequences associated with allowing a …

[HTML][HTML] Microscale pollen release and dispersal patterns in flowering grass populations

CA Frisk, GP Apangu, GM Petch, S Creer… - Science of the Total …, 2023 - Elsevier
Characterizing pollen release and dispersion processes is fundamental for knowledge
advancement in ecological, agricultural and public health disciplines. Understanding pollen …

Crop-to-wild gene flow, introgression and possible fitness effects of transgenes

E Jenczewski, J Ronfort, AM Chèvre - Environmental Biosafety …, 2003 -
Crop-to-wild gene flow has received close attention over the past ten years in connection
with the development and cultivation of transgenic crops. In this paper, we review key …

Pollinator‐mediated effects of landscape‐scale land use on grassland plant community composition and ecosystem functioning–seven hypotheses

V Hederström, J Ekroos, M Friberg, T Krausl… - Biological …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Environmental change is disrupting mutualisms between organisms worldwide. Reported
declines in insect populations and changes in pollinator community compositions in …

[HTML][HTML] Isolating the species element in grass pollen allergy: A review

CA Frisk, B Adams-Groom, M Smith - Science of the Total Environment, 2023 - Elsevier
Grass pollen is a leading cause of allergy in many countries, particularly Europe. Although
many elements of grass pollen production and dispersal are quite well researched, gaps still …