Variational quantum linear solver

C Bravo-Prieto, R LaRose, M Cerezo, Y Subasi… - Quantum, 2023 -
Previously proposed quantum algorithms for solving linear systems of equations cannot be
implemented in the near term due to the required circuit depth. Here, we propose a hybrid …

On circuit-based hybrid quantum neural networks for remote sensing imagery classification

A Sebastianelli, DA Zaidenberg… - IEEE Journal of …, 2021 -
This article aims to investigate how circuit-based hybrid quantum convolutional neural
networks (QCNNs) can be successfully employed as image classifiers in the context of …

Quantum computation of finite-temperature static and dynamical properties of spin systems using quantum imaginary time evolution

SN Sun, M Motta, RN Tazhigulov, ATK Tan, GKL Chan… - PRX Quantum, 2021 - APS
Develo** scalable quantum algorithms to study finite-temperature physics of quantum
many-body systems has attracted considerable interest due to recent advancements in …

Hybrid classical–quantum Convolutional Neural Network for stenosis detection in X-ray coronary angiography

E Ovalle-Magallanes, JG Avina-Cervantes… - Expert Systems with …, 2022 - Elsevier
Abstract Despite advances in Deep Learning, the Convolutional Neural Networks methods
still manifest limitations in medical applications because datasets are usually restricted in …

Quantum error mitigation with artificial neural network

C Kim, KD Park, JK Rhee - IEEE Access, 2020 -
A quantum error mitigation technique based on machine learning is proposed, which learns
how to adjust the probabilities estimated by measurement in the computational basis. Neural …

Quantum deep reinforcement learning for clinical decision support in oncology: application to adaptive radiotherapy

D Niraula, J Jamaluddin, MM Matuszak, RKT Haken… - Scientific reports, 2021 -
Subtle differences in a patient's genetics and physiology may alter radiotherapy (RT)
treatment responses, motivating the need for a more personalized treatment plan …

Teaching quantum computing to high-school-aged youth: a hands-on approach

PP Angara, U Stege, A MacLean… - IEEE Transactions …, 2021 -
Quantum computing is aninterdisciplinary field that lies at the intersection of mathematics,
quantum physics, and computer science, and finds applications in areas including …

A computer science-oriented approach to introduce quantum computing to a new audience

Ö Salehi, Z Seskir, I Tepe - IEEE Transactions on Education, 2021 -
Contribution: In this study, an alternative educational approach for introducing quantum
computing to a wider audience is highlighted. The proposed methodology considers …

An investigation of IBM quantum computing device performance on combinatorial optimisation problems

MT Khumalo, HA Chieza, K Prag… - Neural Computing and …, 2022 - Springer
The intractability of deterministic solutions in solving\(\mathcal {NP}\)-Hard Combinatorial
Optimisation Problems (COP) is well reported in the literature. One mechanism for …

Depth-optimal synthesis of Clifford circuits with SAT solvers

T Peham, N Brandl, R Kueng, R Wille… - 2023 IEEE …, 2023 -
Circuit synthesis is the task of decomposing a given logical functionality into a sequence of
elementary gates. It is (depth-) optimal if it is impossible to achieve the desired functionality …