A critical review of studies on coopetition in educational settings

M Chen, C Lv, X Wang, L Li, P Yang - Sustainability, 2023 - mdpi.com
The benefits and limitations of utilizing collaborative and competitive activities within and
between groups to facilitate learning are well known. Typically, these two concepts are …

Coopetition—Quo vadis? Past accomplishments and future challenges

M Bengtsson, S Kock - Industrial marketing management, 2014 - Elsevier
Research on coopetition has been conducted for more than two decades. However, several
concepts remain that require elaboration. A study on the literature shows that there is a lack …

Networking, coopetition and sustainability of tourism destinations

TQT Nguyen, P Johnson, T Young - Journal of Hospitality and Tourism …, 2022 - Elsevier
While cooperation is widely recognised as beneficial for sustainable tourism, the role of
coopetition is not well understood. Coopetition is a process reflective of the coexistence of …

The coopetition perspective applied to tourism destinations: A literature review

AF Chim-Miki, RM Batista-Canino - Anatolia, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
This paper presents a systematic literature review on coopetition based on researches
published during 20 years. The main objective was to verify how the scholars are performing …

Social interdependence on crowdsourcing platforms

D Renard, JG Davis - Journal of business research, 2019 - Elsevier
As part of their embrace of open innovation, many organizations have established
innovation contests to gather creative ideas from online users. Some of these contests are …

Supplier representative activities and customer perceived value in complex industrial solutions

DD Prior - Industrial Marketing Management, 2013 - Elsevier
The study of value delivery through complex industrial solutions involves a service-rich
deployment of resources, many of which are human. Despite this realization, few studies …

Factors of cross-functional team coopetition: a systematic literature review

AD Ton, L Hammerl… - Performance …, 2023 - meridian.allenpress.com
In practice, cross-functional teams often fail due to misleading coordination in a coopetitive
tension. To provide a conceptual foundation and identify promising avenues for future …

Analyzing the influence of coopetition on resilience in the open innovation network from the perspective of knowledge diffusion

J Lv, X Zou, Q Yang, K Zhang - International Journal of Managing …, 2025 - emerald.com
Purpose In the realm of open innovation (OI) networks, coopetition—where competition and
cooperation coexist—plays a pivotal role in sha** the dynamics between diverse projects …

[PDF][PDF] Knowledge management in the environment of cross-functional team coopetition: A systematic literature review

AD Ton, L Hammerl - Knowledge and Performance Management, 2021 - academia.edu
Abstract Knowledge is crucial, but a transient resource that decides over the success or
failure of business operations. Consequently, companies aim for the most profitable method …

Relationship between budget and project success factors in the Ghanaian building construction sector

KK Aggor - 2017 - search.proquest.com
In develo** countries, 60% of project management professionals appear to lack
knowledge that timely completion, budget fidelity, and high quality are critical success …