Oxide–and silicate–water interfaces and their roles in technology and the environment
Interfacial reactions drive all elemental cycling on Earth and play pivotal roles in human
activities such as agriculture, water purification, energy production and storage …
activities such as agriculture, water purification, energy production and storage …
Electromicrobiology: the ecophysiology of phylogenetically diverse electroactive microorganisms
Electroactive microorganisms markedly affect many environments in which they establish
outer-surface electrical contacts with other cells and minerals or reduce soluble extracellular …
outer-surface electrical contacts with other cells and minerals or reduce soluble extracellular …
[HTML][HTML] Uranium in natural waters and the environment: Distribution, speciation and impact
PL Smedley, DG Kinniburgh - Applied Geochemistry, 2023 - Elsevier
The concentrations of U in natural waters are usually low, being typically less than 4 μg/L in
river water, around 3.3 μg/L in open seawater, and usually less than 5 μg/L in groundwater …
river water, around 3.3 μg/L in open seawater, and usually less than 5 μg/L in groundwater …
Green-synthesized nanocatalysts and nanomaterials for water treatment: Current challenges and future perspectives
Numerous hazardous environmental pollutants in water bodies, both organic and inorganic,
have become a critical global issue. As greener and bio-synthesized versions of …
have become a critical global issue. As greener and bio-synthesized versions of …
Cryo-EM structure of an extracellular Geobacter OmcE cytochrome filament reveals tetrahaem packing
Electrically conductive appendages from the anaerobic bacterium Geobacter sulfurreducens
were first observed two decades ago, with genetic and biochemical data suggesting that …
were first observed two decades ago, with genetic and biochemical data suggesting that …
Bioremediation of heavy metals by microbial process
Bioremediation is an inventive and optimistic technology which is applicable for the retrieval
and reduction of heavy metals in water and polluted lands. Microorganism plays an …
and reduction of heavy metals in water and polluted lands. Microorganism plays an …
Extracellular electron transfer mechanisms between microorganisms and minerals
Electrons can be transferred from microorganisms to multivalent metal ions that are
associated with minerals and vice versa. As the microbial cell envelope is neither physically …
associated with minerals and vice versa. As the microbial cell envelope is neither physically …
Geobacter Protein Nanowires
The study of electrically conductive protein nanowires in Geobacter sulfurreducens has led
to new concepts for long-range extracellular electron transport, as well as for the …
to new concepts for long-range extracellular electron transport, as well as for the …
[HTML][HTML] Bioremediation of heavy metals from soil and aquatic environment: an overview of principles and criteria of fundamental processes
R Dixit, X Wasiullah, D Malaviya, K Pandiyan… - Sustainability, 2015 - mdpi.com
Heavy metals are natural constituents of the environment, but indiscriminate use for human
purposes has altered their geochemical cycles and biochemical balance. This results in …
purposes has altered their geochemical cycles and biochemical balance. This results in …
Uranium (U) source, speciation, uptake, toxicity and bioremediation strategies in soil-plant system: A review
Uranium (U), a highly toxic radionuclide, is becoming a great threat to soil health
development, as returning nuclear waste containing U into the soil systems is increased …
development, as returning nuclear waste containing U into the soil systems is increased …