Graphene-based nanocomposites for sensitivity enhancement of surface plasmon resonance sensor for biological and chemical sensing: A review
Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) offers exceptional advantages such as label-free, in-situ
and real-time measurement ability that facilitates the study of molecular or chemical binding …
and real-time measurement ability that facilitates the study of molecular or chemical binding …
Specialty optical fibers and 2D materials for sensitivity enhancement of fiber optic SPR sensors: A review
In this paper, a review of recent studies on the optical fiber-based surface plasmon
resonance (SPR) sensor and the sensitivity improvement based on specialty optical fibers …
resonance (SPR) sensor and the sensitivity improvement based on specialty optical fibers …
Encoding and tuning of THz metasurface-based refractive index sensor with behavior prediction using XGBoost Regressor
We have investigated graphene-based three various refractive index sensors (split ring
resonator (SRR), split ring resonator with thin wire (SRRTW), and thin wire (TW) refractive …
resonator (SRR), split ring resonator with thin wire (SRRTW), and thin wire (TW) refractive …
Detection of peptides employing a THz metasurface based sensor
Sensors that can identify distinct peptides at varying specific volumes have been proposed.
Variations in the width of the inner square structure, tail end width, and graphene chemical …
Variations in the width of the inner square structure, tail end width, and graphene chemical …
Graphene based highly sensitive refractive index sensor using double split ring resonator metasurface
A micrometer highly sensitive refractive index sensor comprising of double split ring metallic
resonator placed above graphene layer is proposed. The sensitivity of the refractive index …
resonator placed above graphene layer is proposed. The sensitivity of the refractive index …
A refractive index sensor based on PCF with ultra-wide detection range
G Wang, Y Lu, L Duan, J Yao - IEEE Journal of Selected Topics …, 2020 -
An ultra-wide detection range refractive-index sensor based on surface plasmon resonance
(SPR) with photonic crystal fiber (PCF) is designed and discussed. The central air-hole of …
(SPR) with photonic crystal fiber (PCF) is designed and discussed. The central air-hole of …
Single-mode eccentric-core D-shaped photonic crystal fiber surface plasmon resonance sensor
A single-mode eccentric-core D-shaped photonic crystal fiber (PCF) surface plasmon
resonance (SPR) sensor is proposed and comprehensively investigated based on Finite …
resonance (SPR) sensor is proposed and comprehensively investigated based on Finite …
Two-dimensional materials and their role in sensitivity enhancement of surface plasmon resonance based biosensor
Biosensing demands the development of reliable, eco-friendly, and real-time detection
techniques for the early diagnosis and eradication of diseases from our vicinity. Among the …
techniques for the early diagnosis and eradication of diseases from our vicinity. Among the …
Graphene-based metasurface refractive index biosensor for hemoglobin detection: machine learning assisted optimization
Machine learning is the latest approach to optimize the performance of absorbers, sensors,
etc. A sensor with behavior prediction using polynomial regression is presented. Three …
etc. A sensor with behavior prediction using polynomial regression is presented. Three …
Affinity-Based Nanoarchitectured Biotransducer for Sensitivity Enhancement of Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensors for In Vitro Diagnosis: A Review
Despite the indisputable benefits and advancement of science, technology, and civilization,
early diagnosis of healthcare is still a challenging field for the scientific fraternity. The …
early diagnosis of healthcare is still a challenging field for the scientific fraternity. The …