[PDF][PDF] Optical multiplexing techniques and their marriage for on-chip and optical fiber communication: a review
Herein, an attention-grabbing and up-to-date review related to major multiplexing
techniques is presented which includes wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) …
techniques is presented which includes wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) …
A review of gallium nitride LEDs for multi-gigabit-per-second visible light data communications
The field of visible light communications (VLC) has gained significant interest over the last
decade, in both fibre and free-space embodiments. In fibre systems, the availability of low …
decade, in both fibre and free-space embodiments. In fibre systems, the availability of low …
Mid‐Infrared Bipolar and Unipolar Linear Polarization Detections in Nb2GeTe4/MoS2 Heterostructures
Detecting and distinguishing light polarization states, one of the most basic elements of
optical fields, have significant importance in both scientific studies and industry applications …
optical fields, have significant importance in both scientific studies and industry applications …
Giant optical anisotropy of perovskite nanowire array films
Polarizers play a key role in generating polarized light for display, imaging, and data
communication, but adoption often suffers from high optical loss. Recently, due to superior …
communication, but adoption often suffers from high optical loss. Recently, due to superior …
Turboboosting visible light backscatter communication
Visible light backscatter communication (VLBC) presents an emerging low power IoT
connectivity solution with spatial reuse and interference immunity advantages over RF …
connectivity solution with spatial reuse and interference immunity advantages over RF …
4-Gbit/s visible light communication link based on 16-QAM OFDM transmission over remote phosphor-film converted white light by using blue laser diode
Visible Light Communication (VLC) as a new technology for ultrahigh-speed communication
is still limited when using slow modulation light-emitting diode (LED). Alternatively, we …
is still limited when using slow modulation light-emitting diode (LED). Alternatively, we …
[HTML][HTML] High-speed visible light communications: Enabling technologies and state of the art
R Ji, S Wang, Q Liu, W Lu - Applied Sciences, 2018 - mdpi.com
In the nearest decades, the rapidly increasing demand of wireless connectivity has resulted
in the ubiquitous deployment of wireless systems as well as heavily congested wireless …
in the ubiquitous deployment of wireless systems as well as heavily congested wireless …
Enhanced performance of visible light communication employing 512-QAM N-SC-FDE and DD-LMS
In this paper, a novel hybrid time-frequency adaptive equalization algorithm based on a
combination of frequency domain equalization (FDE) and decision-directed least mean …
combination of frequency domain equalization (FDE) and decision-directed least mean …
Sub-picosecond, strain-tunable, polarization-selective optical switching via anisotropic exciton dynamics in quasi-1D ZrSe3
SH Suk, S Nah, M Sajjad, SB Seo, J Chen… - Light: Science & …, 2024 - nature.com
In cutting-edge optical technologies, polarization is a key for encoding and transmitting vast
information, highlighting the importance of selectively switching and modulating polarized …
information, highlighting the importance of selectively switching and modulating polarized …
Visible light communications: increasing data rates with polarization division multiplexing
In this Letter, we propose a new configuration for visible light communication systems, which
results in doubling of the data rate due to the use of polarization division multiplexing. As …
results in doubling of the data rate due to the use of polarization division multiplexing. As …