GAC via unit propagation

F Bacchus - International conference on principles and practice of …, 2007 - Springer
In this paper we argue that an attractive and potentially very general way of achieving
generalized arc consistency (GAC) on a constraint is by using unit propagation (UP) over a …

[PDF][PDF] QCSP Made Practical by Virtue of Restricted Quantification.

M Benedetti, A Lallouet, J Vautard - IJCAI, 2007 - Citeseer
The QCSP+ language we introduce extends the framework of Quantified Constraint
Satisfaction Problems (QCSPs) by enabling us to neatly express restricted quantifications …

Solving quantified constraint satisfaction problems

IP Gent, P Nightingale, A Rowley, K Stergiou - Artificial Intelligence, 2008 - Elsevier
We make a number of contributions to the study of the Quantified Constraint Satisfaction
Problem (QCSP). The QCSP is an extension of the constraint satisfaction problem that can …

On backdoors to tractable constraint languages

C Carbonnel, MC Cooper, E Hebrard - International Conference on …, 2014 - Springer
In the context of CSPs, a strong backdoor is a subset of variables such that every complete
assignment yields a residual instance guaranteed to have a specified property. If the …

Nested constraint programs

G Chu, PJ Stuckey - International Conference on Principles and Practice of …, 2014 - Springer
Many real world discrete optimization problems are expressible as nested problems where
we solve one optimization or satisfaction problem as a subproblem of a larger meta problem …

Value ordering for quantified CSPs

D Stynes, KN Brown - Constraints, 2009 - Springer
We investigate the use of value ordering in backtracking search for Quantified Constraint
Satisfaction problems (QCSPs). We consider two approaches for ordering heuristics. The …

Solution directed backjum** for QCSP

F Bacchus, K Stergiou - Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming …, 2007 - Springer
In this paper we present new techniques for improving backtracking based Quantified
Constraint Satisfaction Problem (QCSP) solvers. QCSP is a generalization of CSP in which …

[Књига][B] Quantified linear programming

J Wolf - 2015 -
Forschungsfrage Herr Wolf hat als Kern seiner Forschung quantifizierte lineare Programme
(QLPs), die erst seit ca. 10 Jahren im Forschungsfokus stehen. Der Begriff QLP wurde im …

Realtime online solving of quantified csps

D Stynes, KN Brown - International Conference on Principles and Practice …, 2009 - Springer
Abstract We define Realtime Online solving of Quantified Constraint Satisfaction Problems
(QCSPs) as a model for realtime online CSP solving. We use a combination of propagation …

Preprocessing quantified constraint satisfaction problems with value reordering and directional arc and path consistency

K Stergiou - International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, 2008 - World Scientific
The Quantified Constraint Satisfaction Problem (QCSP) is an extension of the CSP that can
be used to model combinatorial problems containing contingency or uncertainty. It allows for …