" Soft skills": A phrase in search of meaning

ML Matteson, L Anderson, C Boyden - portal: Libraries and the …, 2016 - muse.jhu.edu
Soft skills are a collection of people management skills, important to many professions and
job positions, including academic librarianship. Yet the concept of soft skills lacks definition …

Graduates employability skills: A review of literature against market demand

M Osmani, V Weerakkody, N Hindi… - Journal of Education for …, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
While higher education institutes attempt to adapt their curricula to cope with national
employability strategies, there remain some significant variations between what employers …

Soft skills to enhance graduate employability: comparing students and employers' perceptions

C Succi, M Canovi - Studies in higher education, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
The aim of this article is to show the increased relevance of soft skills in a continuously
changing environment. A research was carried out to examine and compare students' and …

Estimating Industry 4.0 impact on job profiles and skills using text mining

S Fareri, G Fantoni, F Chiarello, E Coli, A Binda - Computers in industry, 2020 - Elsevier
Industry 4.0 is introducing rapid and epochal changes and challenges. Among these, the
issue of skills and job profiles is assuming a critical role. In fact, the literature highlights not …

Rethinking labour migration: Covid-19, essential work, and systemic resilience

B Anderson, F Poeschel, M Ruhs - Comparative migration studies, 2021 - Springer
Many of the 'essential workers' during the Covid-19 pandemic are migrants, playing an
important role for the continued functioning of basic services–notably health services, social …

Soft skills в представлении преподавателей и студентов российских университетов в контексте мирового опыта

ЛК Раицкая, ЕВ Тихонова - Вестник Российского университета …, 2018 - cyberleninka.ru
Изменение природы экономики и общества в условиях перехода к информационной
стадии развития современной цивилизации привело к трансформации рынка труда и …

[CARTE][B] Gendered migrations and global social reproduction

E Kofman, P Raghuram - 2015 - Springer
The Migration, Diasporas and Citizenship series covers three important aspects of the
migration progress: firstly, the determinants, dynamics and characteristics of international …

Higher education's microcredentialing craze: A postdigital-Deweyan critique

SJ Ralston - Postdigital Science and Education, 2021 - Springer
As the value of a university degree plummets, the popularity of the digital microcredential
has soared. Similar to recent calls for the early adoption of Blockchain technology, the so …

Soft skills assessment: Theory development and the research agenda

S Gibb - International journal of lifelong education, 2014 - Taylor & Francis
Soft skills have become a subject of increasing interest in lifelong learning. Soft skills
development is intended to enable and enhance personal development, participation in …

Management accountants' image, role and identity: employer branding and identity conflict

V Ala-Heikkilä, M Järvenpää - Qualitative Research in Accounting & …, 2023 - emerald.com
Purpose This study aims to take a step toward integrating research regarding the image, role
and identity of management accountants by understanding how employers' perceptions of …