A technique to detect and mitigate false data injection attacks in Cyber–Physical Systems
The advancement in communication, computation, and control technology has led to the
integration of the cyber-world and physical-world. This has also increased the incidence of …
integration of the cyber-world and physical-world. This has also increased the incidence of …
Certifying Learning-Enabled Autonomous Cyber Physical Systems-A Deployment Perspective
Deployment of Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) has penetrated almost every
realm of human existence, including public transportation, military applications, critical …
realm of human existence, including public transportation, military applications, critical …
Thinking Beyond Bus-off: Targeted Control Falsification in CAN
Controller Area Network (CAN) is considered to be the de facto standard for intra-vehicular
communication of modern automobiles. Due to the lack of strong authentication and …
communication of modern automobiles. Due to the lack of strong authentication and …
Learning-Enabled Adaptive Voltage Protection Against Load Alteration Attacks On Smart Grids
Smart grids are designed to efficiently handle variable power demands, especially for large
loads, by real-time monitoring, distributed generation and distribution of electricity. However …
loads, by real-time monitoring, distributed generation and distribution of electricity. However …
Resource Aware Synthesis of Automotive Security Primitives
Abstract Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) have become an essential ingredient of today's
digital world. They operate in a deeply embedded manner inside infrastructures for …
digital world. They operate in a deeply embedded manner inside infrastructures for …
A Learning Assisted Method for Uncovering Power Grid Generation and Distribution System Vulnerabilities
Intelligent attackers can suitably tamper sensor/actuator data at various Smart grid surfaces
causing intentional power oscillations, which if left undetected, can lead to voltage …
causing intentional power oscillations, which if left undetected, can lead to voltage …
Adaptive CUSUM-Based Residue Analysis for Stealthy Attack Detection in Cyber-Physical Systems
Increased connectivity and sophistication in safety-critical cyber-physical systems (CPS)
make them more vulnerable to false data injection (FDI) type attacks. Attackers can leverage …
make them more vulnerable to false data injection (FDI) type attacks. Attackers can leverage …
Design of false data injection attacks and their detection and mitigation in cyber-physical systems
False data injection (FDI) attacks are more common in Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs). In
an FDI attack, an attacker can inject an attack sequence at any location in the CPS. Rather …
an FDI attack, an attacker can inject an attack sequence at any location in the CPS. Rather …